Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pink Petals

Buy this image now from Around the Island Photography.

Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what else people aren't saying this week.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in my etsy shop yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


Daryl said...

Awesome POV ... and the color(s)!!!

Anonymous said...

wow, such beautiful, vibrant color! Nice capture.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful closeup of the petals and what a gorgeous color. Awesome photo.

Danielle said...

Love the color! It really pops!

Claremont First Ward said...


Mimi said...

Gorgeous, Robin, no need for words with this photo.
Thanks for your sensitive, lovely comment over at mine.
I had forgotten that you spent a day in Howth! That is where Gaybo lives, you may even have met him on your walk! Do you remember a man wearing an Aran Cardigan?!!

caite said...

wow..fantastic. what a color.

Rebecca Einstein Schorr said...

The colours are amazing. What kind of flower is this? I love how the longer I look at the picture, the more detail I see.

Sandee said...

Pick is one of my very favorite colors. Beautiful.

Have a terrific day. :)

Wordless Wednesday

toby said...


Sukhmandir Kaur said...

The tubular petals are pretty amazing and the color so vivid. Happy WW

Amanda said...

Holy...that is absolutely beautiful.

Indrani said...

Terrific shot!
Very well taken. :)

Dave Dorsey said...

Nice color! It almost jumps off the screen. Happy WW!

Mariposa said...

I'm a sucker of pink!

Mariposa's WW!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Oh gosh, this is a stunning macro shot! Well done =)

Sreisaat Adventures

Beth F said...

Super job -- lovely colors. Sorry I have missed your WW shots lately (I blame the Mr. Linky troubles as the WW site.).

Carol said...

Stunning! The color is gorgeous!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

*insert the crowd going 'ooo' at the fireworks*

annalarssonphotography said...

I love the colors!!

Unknown said...

very neat shot, i love the patterns and vibrant colour.

feefifoto said...

Very very nice. I almost feel like I could touch it.

SandyCarlson said...

Incredible! A fire of beauty.

Steffi said...

Wonderful photo,Robin!

catsynth said...

Beautiful photo. It almost looks like it could be underwater rather than a close-up of a flower. Interesting how the same shapes appear in multiple places in nature.

And to your comment on my WW yesterday: yes, I agree that the huge volumes of campaign advertisements were a waste! I was rather bewildered by them, and at some point after just throwing them into the recycle decided to instead start holding onto them for some artistic purpose.

Elva said...

What an amazing image! I have always loved macro photography.

Liz said...

Breathtaking! Happy RT!

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I LOVE this one! The colors are so vivid - it would look fantastic on a stark white wall.