Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Musician at Rest


Traditional Bedouin musician, Rahat Coexistance Festival, May 2011

Today especially I would like to be reminded that there are those that still view being good neighbors as a moral imperative. That see coexistence as a virtue, not a threat.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in my etsy shop yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


Mary said...

I've loved your Blog, your photography work is amazing... Have a nice weekend...

Come Away With Me said...

I totally agree!

Re the photo, I love that he's wearing Skechers! I'd also love to hear him play that instrument....I'm sure the music was fabulous.

Dina said...

There was a Rahat Coexistence Festival? I didn't know. Hope you will show us more pictures.

Robin said...

I know, the Skechers are a great touch, aren't they LOL?

In all honesty the music was a bit twangy sounding for me but he was a very accomplished musician to be sure. I'm just not that good with whiny minor chords.

Dina, the festival was small and very (VERY) local - but definitely interesting. I'm glad we went and had the chance to introduce our kids to one of the other cultures that shares our little corner of the planet.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Daryl said...

Superb shot, Robin!

SouthLakesMom said...

Robin, your photo is thought provoking!

I've always been a fan of those programs that bring teens from cultures that are at war "back home" to stay in an American home, far away from the neighborhood pressures. They tend to find that they have much more in common. It started with the Irish troubles years ago, and has continued with Israeli/Palestinian youth.

Nice that your local neighborhood is trying to do the same thing. If we start with coexistence, we can at least talk...

anymommy said...

I adore this photo and love your lines beneath. If only all the world viewed being good neighbors as a moral imperative.

Leora said...

If only it were just the Bedouins and Druze with which one needed to coexist ... it's a fabulous photo. Love how someone noted the Skechers.

He looks a bit like a King David with the harp or lyre or whatever it is(or maybe a sad King Saul?).

Steffi said...

Great shot,Robin!Very interesting photo!

Unknown said...

Oh, wow . . . something about this photo . . . So very nice. It captured my attention right off. Great work!