Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Stock Sunday - 1st Grade Graduation

No worries for those who've asked, we're not still sick - just buried under an avalanche of end of the year activities, extended work deadlines (meaning my project still hasn't ended), studying for the IBLCE exam in late July, and a host of other commitments...

Continuing last week's end of first grade theme, another major event in the calendar was Maya's graduation ceremony. (Israeli elementary schools are very big on end of year events, each kid has had numerous different ones, most during non-school hours and all requiring various purchases and attendance commitments by their parents, hence the atrociously neglected state of my blog... If you think I'm exaggerating, she's already had two, the writing on the white board is the details for the third (an evening class picnic on Monday night, with water activities, parent attendance required, and please bring a drink, a bathing suit and a change of clothes), and Wednesday night she's got both an end of year event at her afternoon program AND a friend's birthday party. It's crazy, my 7 year old's social calendar FAR exceeds my own.)

Here's Maya receiving her certificate from her teacher. Her "oh my god my teacher is KISSING me!" body language cracks me up.

So what are you all up to this fine summer week? Play along and let us know :).




Dina said...

Mazal tov Maya!

Oi, when did we become such a kissing nation?

Not having kids in the country to play with, I don't seem to do many summery thing. But I can post what other people do. Soon.

Tania said...

Well, this sounds a lot to my ears .. we are not so serious in the 7 years of age here in the north, fortunately. However, there is plenty (too much) here too.
Beautiful photos and daughter:-)

Anonymous said...

Nice photos of Maya. Congratulations!

Come Away With Me said...

That is a whirlwind social calendar...and only 7 years old! Sounds like lots of fun though.

Dimple said...

Congratulations to Maya on another year completed! And to you for keeping up with all your kids' activities!

anymommy said...

Congratulations to the graduate. Oh my gosh, she is so cute.

Leovi said...

The joy of the objectives achieved, it was worth the effort.

Leora said...

Yup, we had those end of school year events, too. I love how Maya is attached to her teacher - my daughter so appreciates her teachers from this year as well. Glad you are all healthy once again.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

So cute! I love that excited smile - and how the teacher obviously loves her students.

Mama Pajama said...

embarrassed by the teacher's kiss or no, there's no mistaking that smile - congratulations, Ms. Maya!

Phyllis Sommer said...

i love her face! :-)

toby said...

Gorgeous - congratulations!

Light Trigger said...

Congratulations to the graduate!