Saturday, September 17, 2011

Holy cow, I did it!

I managed to change up my blog all by my very own self and (at least so far) nothing important has gone kablooey! Yay me!

I'd been thinking for quite a while that the old look wasn't working for me any more. I did love it, but it was designed back when my blog had more of a written focus and was really too busy for a photoblog. I've been wanting a cleaner more streamlined look for a while but it took until now (and a LOT of behind the scenes messing around with my practice blog) before I was brave enough to take the plunge.

So what do you think? Does it work well for you? Look clean? Load more quickly? Any other changes you think would help?

Inquiring minds (that would be me) want to know ;)...


Fairly Odd Mother said...

It looks lovely Robin! Nice, nice, nice!

Just one thing---when your new post came up in my Reader, I couldn't click on the headline to come to the article (I could on all your other posts)--for some reason the title was not a hyperlink. So, I just clicked on your blog name and that brought me here. I'm not sure if this is glitchy to me only, but wanted to mention it.

Tania said...

Hehe, what a chance to take.
I like it, it is better and very nice and easy to get an overview.

Robin said...

Hmmm... In the blog itself it does seem to be a hyperlink. Can someone else please check and see if this is a problem for them as well? Thanks!

Anon said...

Blog was hyperlinked in my Reader but "more" which usually gives the whole blog was not .

Geesh! Why does it need to be so picky? We will all rejoice when all this techno crap is a given. Good for you for persevering, no pain no gain!


Come Away With Me said...

Fantastic Robin. Yes, it loads much faster, and it looks great. Very easy on the eyes too.

Dina said...

Col hacavod Robin! You are very brave. The results are beautiful.
Now the blog loads instantaneously.

The background looks like different types of shaish, like of a kitchen counter.

Maribeth said...

Looks lovely to me!

Anon said...

Working beautifully and looks mahvelous!


Robin said...

Thanks everyone, what a relief!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Love the new look--you are right, it is much more streamlined.

kayerj said...

It works well and looks great (i'm very relieved the Island is still there--I think that is so unique and comforting). I like how you've featured your work in the side bar and moved the rest to the bottom of the page . . . I did notice the breast feeding button in your left side bar is missing.

Robin said...

Thanks Kaye. The breastfeeding button that was up was really outdated, it was for a campaign that ended several years ago. I'll put up a new one the next time something appropriate comes along.

Leora said...

Yay, you!

anymommy said...

Loaded incredibly quickly and I love it!

Mimi said...

Robin, I love it!
I like the parchment background, and I'm delighted that you kept the island. It works for me!Well done!

Mrs. S. said...

תתחדשי on the lovely new look!

toby said...

Yes, lovely!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Looks great! Viewing it from my iPhone and it loaded faster than some blogs do on my computer. Love it.

Jen said...

Looks good!