Saturday, September 3, 2011

Summer Stock Sunday - Quichee Gorge before the Hurricane

With kids here in Israel starting back to school yesterday and the US celebrating Labor Day this weekend I have to admit that it's time to start facing the inevitable winding down of summer and approach of fall, and with that the end of this year's edition of Summer Stock Sunday. We'll go one more week after this one and then Summer Stock 2011 will wrap up for the season on 10 September, so be sure to save at least one more summertime shot to share next week, it will have to last us through until next summer after all.

This week I'm sharing this shot of Quichee Gorge in Vermont, where we camped just a week before Hurricane Irene slammed through and put most of it under water, including sweeping away most of a 141-year old covered bridge. The flip side of nature's tremendous beauty is its tremendous power for destruction. From paradise to disaster in just a few short days.

Beautiful, isn't it? Hopefully it will be as lovely and peaceful as this again very soon.



Dina said...

It's a beautiful river. A shame about the covered bridge and all the other damage.

Happy chodesh Elul.

kayerj said...

wow--it is amazing what kind of destruction mother nature can do. Hopefully it won't take too long to mend.

Tania said...

Ah, that`s bad
The river is beautiful!
Hope you have a great weekend:-)

Leovi said...

This photo really beautiful, wonderful river views.

Come Away With Me said...

So sad to hear about the covered bridge...all that history swept downstream. The gorge is beautiful though and it will be again.

Leora said...

Wow, it lasted for 141 years. Scary, what happened in Vermont.

Beautiful photo.

Daryl said...

Oh that's not good.

This Sunday I am taking you to the Flea Market (okay so I took the shots 2 Sundays ago but still ..)

Daryl said...

and on Through My Eyes I am taking you rowing on Central Park Lake ..