Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Reaching beyond the box

I am so flattered. Christine has tagged me for a Thinking Blogger Award for this post. I'm enough of an exhibitionist and an attention-hound that I need to know people are reading my blog to really enjoy writing it, so I love any and all comments, but to be told that something I wrote actually made someone think in a new and different way is a compliment on another scale altogether. Thank you Christine, you've inspired me to reach higher in my writing.

It's now my turn to pass the award along to 5 other bloggers who've made me think and opened my eyes in a new way. It was hard to choose just 5, but these 5 posts really stood out for me, each in their own way:

Dorit for seeing the light that shines out of the darkness

Poppy Fields for the post Scooby Dooby Doo, Je t'aime on the unforeseen turns our lives take

SpaceMom for this post on teaching alcohol responsibility to teenagers, and on what our role should be as the shapers and teachers of these future adults

Planet Nomad, I mainly lurk on her blog, but she never fails to open my eyes. This post in particular made me stop and give thanks for so many of the little conveniences I take for granted.
Susan from West of Mars for her incredible ability to bring fiction to life. She paints a scene with such depth that you are hard-pressed to remember that it isn't real.
Happy reading everyone.

How participation works:

If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

Optional: Display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.


deedee said...

Thank you for the award and for delurking :) I'll be "thinking" about who I'd like to pass this on to.

Anonymous said...

awww. shucks... that was sweet of you. Now to put you again in the limelight...

A thinking blogger always has some intention behind the charm of words; I think you have soul and heart in bringing a female [live] community together. I always check your blog for this friendly, real voice [not phony] and for some inexplicable reason, it really speaks to me.

Now with that said, I'm going to comment on your other posts:)
Hag S'meach!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Wow. I'm ... speechless, Robin! Thanks! I'm really touched by this.

Hope Passover's going well. Today is cookie-baking day over here!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Well deserved Robin! You always make me think. : )