Monday, October 29, 2007

It's Here - The Great Fall Y'All Bloggy Giveaway!

I'm really excited to be participating in Shannon from Rocks In My Dryer's Fall Y'All Bloggy Giveaway. The first giveaway was huge, and this newest one promises to be even bigger and better.

Since I'm a breastfeeding counselor and am passionate about helping moms and babies to breastfeed for my very first blog giveaway I'll be giving away two items for breastfeeding moms:
1. Janet Tamaro's excellent and irreverently funny book So That's What They're For: Breastfeeding Basics. The book gives a tremendous amount of valuable information in a relaxed, easy to understand and oftentimes very funny way. This copy is very gently used.

2. A breastfeeding cover-up by the Israeli firm Sinarkat (website is in Hebrew but the photos are self-explanatory). In the interests of honesty, I have to stress here that no mother should feel she has to cover up or hide to breastfeed (and even discrete breastfeeding can be done easily with a slightly looser fitting shirt) but I realize that there are some women who feel more comfortable with a cover-up. I received this lovely item (and it is lovely) from the manufacturer as a promotion. I'd rather see it go to someone who would otherwise be uncomfortable breastfeeding in public so that they can proudly get out and about with their baby than have it languish in my closet.

The nice thing about this particular cover-up is that the baby's head remains uncovered, encouraging eye contact between the mother and the baby. I know I wouldn't want to eat with my head covered by a heavy blanket, and neither would your baby. This one lets you smile at each other and lets you see exactly what's going on with your baby (are they still eating? are they asleep yet?). It's lightweight and even folds up into that handy pocket on the front. The one I'm giving away is orange with a beige pocket. It's made of soft 100% cotton and is machine washable.
To win leave me a comment telling me something that you love about breastfeeding, and specify which of the two items (or both) you are interested in winning. This contest is international and open to everyone.If you don't have a blog, make sure to leave me an e-mail address so that I have a way of contacting you if you win.
The winner(s) will be selected on Sunday, 4 November by random drawing.
Good luck, and don't forget to visit Shannon's Fall Y'All Bloggy Giveaway for a whole host of giveaway goodness!


Kellan said...

Don't sign me up - no more babies in this house - nice give away though. See ya.

Unknown said...

I would be happy with either or due with my first in January so it would be hugely helpful!!

anne said...

Here's my link...sorry!

Kara said...

I'd love a nice cover, my babies tend to be too wiggly for me to nurse discretely lol. I love breastfeeding cuz it's so convenient and easy.

Hélène said...

I love breastfeeding because I never have to worry about running out of food, bringing it with me, or cleaning any bottles. I also love that it naturally suppresses my fertility! The book sounds great, I already have a cover.

Sarah W. said...

I am nursing and would love this. My daughter is only 7 weeks I have almost a full year (or more) to go!! This would be WONDERFUL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love nursing, the closeness, the ease of not having to pour and mix and heat, the satisfaction of being the sole source of nutrition. All in all, wonderful! I'd be open to either one - whatever is available!

Reiza said...

I've been lurking for a little while, but now you've drawn me out in the open. :-) I, too, am a breastfeeding counselor and I'd really like a chance at the book so I can add it to the library I have for the moms with which I work.

Your question prompted post on my blog, so thanks. :-)

I'll leave something simpler here, though. One thing I love about bfing is that, once, at playgroup, a friend had to pack up her baby and leave because, while she had a bottle and formula, she had left the nipple at home. This bfing mom, however, has never had that problem. :-)

Anonymous said...

I was only able to breastfeed my son for 2 months. I am hoping to breastfeed longer this time! Breastfeeding is a great bonding experience, and also it's cheap! That's why I love it. I would love to have the cover-up.

Anonymous said...

I love being able to snuggle with my son in bed in the morning with his first nursing of the day. I'd be more than happy with either prize!

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin,
I am not signing up, as I've no more babies in this house, but wanted to say really nice give away.

Anonymous said...

I loved breastfeeding my babies. It gave us such a bond and special time. I am not entering for me however. My kids are 11 and 13 and although I did breastfeed a long time, I am not anymore!! My SIL is expecting her first baby and I would love to give her the book. Please enter me. Thanks!!

M the Mommy said...

I am currently breastfeeding nine month old twins and I love breastfeeding because it is the magical thing that makes my baby smile no matter how upset they were just moments ago. They start smiling when we ask them if they want their mimi's.

3boysmama said...

I am due in 5 weeks with baby #3 and would love the nursing shawl. With two other children to chase I think nursing in public might be trickier.

I love breast feeding because I know EXACTLY what is going into my baby and I can control certain allergens. (we have food allergies in our family) I also love the fact that I don't have to sterilize anything or worry about bringing food with me!

Emotionally, I love the snuggle time with just baby.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Great giveaway! I would be interested in the cover up.

I love the closeness of the experience. Looking at my little one growing and knowing that it's from something I produced. I also love how my little guys pet my arm and coo.


Anjanette said...

I just finished this book and I LOVED it! I would love a copy to loan out at the pregnancy resource center that I work at. I wouldn't turn down the cover-up either as I'm pregnant with my first and have no idea how comfortable I'll be in public - though I'm committed to nursing regardless.

Anonymous said...

I have an expecting friend that would enjoy these. Count me in.

Qtpies7 said...

I love being able to SLEEP at night! I just snuggle baby in to nurse and get to keep sleeping! I need my sleep something terrible!

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Please DON'T enter me in your drawing - I'm happily nursing my second and don't have a problem nursing in public - I just wanted to comment because I think it is awesome that you are a breastfeeding counselor. If I knew how to go about becoming one, that is something I'd really enjoy doing. Yay for feeding our kids the best!

Anonymous said...

How do I love breastfeeding? Let me count the ways... How about 101 ways?

I have exclusively nursed all 3 of mine until they were ready for solids on their own.

I have an expecting friend who could use both the book and the nursing cover. Thanks for the chance to win!

sarah_carol (at) hotmail (dot) com

Real Life Sarah said...

I know several new moms and pregnant women I could give this to! I'd rather have the book. Thanks.

Thanks for entering my coffee giveaway. You can always order the fair trade coffee from (if you don't win, that is!) I'm not sure if the shipping would be worth it, though. Anyway, I hope you win!

Cherie said...

Ahhh Robin, I loved breatfeeding but was hopeless at it over 40 years ago - there was no good women like you in those days! There is a sweet treat for you over on my blog;~)

Katie said...

I love how they look up at you with those big, lovey eyes while they nurse.
I want these for my mom -- she is a Doula and is very pro-breastfeeding.

Liz said...

I would love to win both! I love the cuddle time with my son, it is the most precious thing on earth and I will so miss it someday!

Andrea said...

How fun! I'd love to win this one! :) I love the fact that breastfeeding is free! :)


Shannon said...

I am currently breastfeeding baby #4. I nursed my other boys until they were about 13-14 months old, and by that time I was pregnant again, so it was getting quite uncomfortable. It's great to see other moms so pro-breastfeeding! My 10 month old is still going strong :) I love that you are providing moms with a way to help them be modest but still allows them to nurse in public without exposing themself!

Brianne Hudgins Photography said...

I loved how close my daughter and I were breastfeeding - we were only able to breastfeed for a few months (I think it was failure of bad information)

I would love either or both really. I had a really hard time breastfeeding in public!

Anonymous said...

Hello there,
One of the most amazing experiences I had in my life was being able to breastfeed my baby. It was not hard, I had no pains, I did have a consultant come to my house and learned what I needed to know.
Besides all the mentioned vantages of breastfeeding, how come no one said it makes you lose weight???
Once breastfeeding in a restaurant, with my husband and my mother with me, a group of 3 old ladies and a gentleman started looking and laughing 'cause they'd seen for a fraction of a second my nipple. Actually, only the ladies saw, the gentleman missed and was quite frustrated. I was not embarrassed at all, I told him he could wait, I would have the second one out in a few minutes ...
(I'd love the book ...)

Hedi said...

I think the amazing feeling a mother feels when she is giving nutrion to her baby that only she can give!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the breastfeeding cover. I am expecting my fifth and have never had much luck getting my wiggly babies to nurse discreetly in public and I HATE use a blanket to cover them with. I love to breastfeed because it is natural and so good for my babies. It also ensures that I sit down and rest several times a day. ;)
lmoffitt at aestudios dot com

Christina.B said...

That cover would be perfect!
I am due in 16days!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what I love best about breastfeeding--I'm expecting my first baby in April, so I'm sure I'll find out! :) I would love to win both, especially the book!

allisonboast at yahoo dot com

Erin said...

I'd love to win either of these. I'm due in March. I wasn't able to breastfeed with my first for very long because of medical problems but I am determined to be successful this time around! Thanks! :)

Laura said...

I would love the coverup! Great giveaway!

Mavis said...

sure. it's neat to see the different ways they make these things.

Rockin' Mama said...

I would love to win either item. What I love about BF is the way my little boy calms down when he is upset. It is our way of bonding. I also love the fact that I am actually nurturing and feeding another person. It is an amazing miracle.

Unknown said...

I would love th have this :)

Anonymous said...

please put me in the draw

Michelle said...

I'm due in Feb and could use either item!

Emily said...

I was just thinking I need to get one of those shawls for nursing! Thanks for the contest!

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Count me in Please!!

Maddie said...

I'd love to be entered in. I'm interested in the cover up and I like the bonding experience between baby and mama.
Thanks, Maddie

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I could use both! I'm due in January.

Anonymous said...

I breastfed until my daughter was 22 months! If I win I would love to read and learn more for the next baby! :-)

Christine said...

I don't really need either item. But I did want to post what I love about breastfeeding - I really love the snuggling time, and not having to get up to heat up a bottle in the middle of the night, and how they actually nurse and sleep when they're are sick instead of just crying all night long. Sorry I could gush and gush. (I do have some things I don't particularly love about breastfeeding too, but you didn't ask about those).

Great contest - hopefully this will help someone nurse in public, instead of just giving up.

Jennifer said...

I don't have a favorite thing about breastfeeding yet because I'm not due until Feb, but I so look forward to that experience!!!

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Great giveaway! Breastfeeding can be a challenge the first time around, but it's a joy once you get it figured out. Count me in!

Unknown said...

would love to be entered for the shawl - i loved breastfeeding my son, everything about it, except some of the nasty stares i got when feeding in public. but otherwise it was great!

Mrs. Cowan said...

I would love the shawl! I'm going to be taking my 3 mo old across the country at Christmas to meet her grandparents, and this would make air traveling SO MUCH easier!

Anonymous said...

These are really nice! Count me in!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win either of these (or both) for my sister who is due in March. I am not yet a mother but when I have children I will be a breastfeeder and maybe I can even borrow them back from her!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the book. :) What do I love about breastfeeding? The bonding. I love gazing at each other and just snuggling up. :)

krista said...

i would love the first lil girl (and first baby!) is going to be here in 6 weeks or less!

Emily said...

I would love to win this! I love breastfeeding because I know that I'm giving my baby the VERY best food. Hands down.


Gina said...

I would love to have these. I tried to BF my 2 daughters but didn't work out. So I am hoping for better luck with the next one

Melissa said...

I love breasfeeding for all the regular reasons (cheap, easy, best for baby), but also because my little man is hilarious in his "milk drunk" state. :) I've just been blanketing when I feel the need to cover (usually only when I'm in a dress and have to open from the top rather than the bottom - or when we're at work with my five young, male, mostly unmarried co-workers), but I'd love to try something new (now that AJ's older, he doesn't like the blanket so much). I'd also love the book. BFing came VERY naturally to AJ, which makes me very suspicious that it won't be nearly so easy the next time(s) around! Pick me! If I don't end up using them (for whatever reason), I promise I'll pass them along to someone else!

Frances said...

I love breastfeeding because it deepens the bond between mother and child. Healthy love, in more ways than one!

Angela said...

I really love the quality time with my son.. and the way he looks at me when he is eating its almost magical. We'd love either item but especially the shawl as sometimes its hard for us as my family isnt as open to breastfeeding as some :(

Liberty said...

Several times a week, when I sit down to nurse baby #4, I tell her I just don't understand why some moms don't BF. The emotions that flood me when my little ones are at breast are indescribable. Of course I enjoy the time with my children, it fills your heart. But I am telling you, I really feel bad for moms who don't or think they can't. I would never trade these moments for anything in the world.

I would adore to have the shawl as I feed wherever baby think she needs to be fed. I eat when and where I want, why shouldn't she? And the little wiggle worm makes on demand feedings a little less discreet than I may like at times LOL

And I have a dear friend who is on baby #3 and is going to try nursing for the very first time. I am so proud of her! I think this book would be wonderful for her.

Please add my name to the hat, if you will :)

Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com
Not Much More Than This

Kellie said...

I would love that book! I am going to be a new mom to a baby girl in March, and this sounds like a great resource. I can't wait to figure it all out. Thanks!

Karen said...

This is fabulous, please count me in for either! I love the convenience of breastfeeding. You can feed them whenever, wherever! Thanks:-)

kpuleski [at] gmail [dot] com

Heather said...

Oh my goodness you have no idea how grateful I would be for this, I've not seen anything like it before...I breastfeed exclusively, but am soo uncomfortable in public, I usually just go home when it's time to feed my baby...I bought a cover at target, but my baby hates having her face covered and not being able to see me so it is unusable...this cover would be a lifesaver!

SabineM said...

It has been 12 years since I last breastfed, and my second one I adopted so nursing was not an option! I LOVED the closeness that I had with my daughter and also loved the convenience! My husband and I had so many great laughs when I first started nursing and I was skirting everywhere. The body is an amazing thing. I am not planning on Nursing, but would love to win, so I can pass it on to my sister in law who is going to give birth to my FIRST niece any day now!! Great products you have!

heather h said...

I love being able to hold my daughter-it's hard to get her to slow down these days long enough for a hug!

I'd love to enter both!

Anonymous said...

What's not to love about breastfeeding?! Okay, my favorite thing is the close bond it creates, and how easy it is to soothe a baby with nursing.

I think this cover would be great. Now that my children are getting older, they're a little TOO curious when I nurse, lol.

Richelle said...

The cover up would be great! I love how you get a close bond with your baby, and it's cheap and convenient!

holly K said...

I love this coverup to see the baby's face. Sign me up! I also like the book

Katy said...

Great giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks!

The Hunters said...

Nice give away...this could really help.

ME said...

Please count me in. I love so many things about breastfeeding, but if i had to pick id say its a tie between the obvious connection between the baby and mommy, and the fact that when so many other mommies were complaining about having to get up in the middle of the night to get a bottle, all I had to do was roll over. Me and my son eventually got it so neither of us had to wake up. I love this. thanks

Anonymous said...

I would love towin either of these fantastic items. I love that with breastfeeding you never have to worry about packing feeding supplies!!

Ann said...

What do I love about breastfeeding? I love the bonding that occurs with my babies. I love watching each other and the closeness of it. Please count me in! Thank you.

Ann - crafty.momma.too (at)

Robin said...

This contest is now over (winners are posted in a new post).

Thanks everyone for playing along.