Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hey, this doesn't suck

Straight out of the camera. So far the preset settings (kids, sports, portraits, etc.) are more successful than my own playing around with apertures and such, but since I have no idea what I'm doing that's not all that surprising.
Lots of fun, and lots to learn.
PS Yes, Maya chose her own outfit, and yes, it does include both a shirt and a too-small sundress and both tights and socks.


Memarie Lane said...

It's time for me to take some pictures of Max for his birthday announcements, but there isn't any single place in my neighborhood that would make for a pleasant background. It's all crumbling walls and chain link fences and such.

Shannon said...

Gorgeous photos of Maya! Good work with that new camera. I know I said it before but I am jealous!

Claremont First Ward said...

The pictures are fabulous. Sometimes the "self dressed" kids are the cutest! :)

Laura said...

Nice to see you enjoying your camera. She looks stunning and warm!

Janet said...

It doesn't such at ALL! Well done :-)

Anonymous said...

Well done photos! Both are beautiful and the model is just perfectly captured!

LaLa said...

Great photos!!! I love her outfit :)

Lilight said...

Gorgeous photos. Gorgeous girl. I love that she's a girlie girl. Cute outfit!

Amanda said...

Great photos! I think Maya did a pretty good job dressing herself--it's a cute outfit.

Anonymous said...

aren't new cameras the best?! i sat down with my manual for like an hour before i started taking photos! these look great!

Robin said...

Thanks everyone. I'm having a lot of fun learning how to use my new toy.

Marie, what about draping a big sheet over a fence to make a cleaner backdrop?

Anonymous said...

Ooh, new toy! :)
And a kid who dressed him/herself is well dressed. : )

Jules said...

Love the photos. And the model is really cute too!

Jules said...

Oh, and I have a Nikon D50 and I totally LOVE it. My husband and I fight over it - he usually is attached to it at the hip. Lately however, I've been able to wrench it out of his control for minutes at a time. :)

Anonymous said...

gorgeous photos! I got a new camera and cannot take ANYTHING that is not blurry or crap looking :( I bow to your skillz.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

She matches the flowering trees in the background, so that's all that matters.

Kim said...

I LOVE her outfit!! So cute :) I'm so jealous of your new camera, I need/want a new camera so bad. I've dropped mine so many times the battery door is broken and won't keep a good contact so I'm forever missing shots because of it.

Amanda said...

By the way, I've given you an award on my blog, here.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos of Maya! Great job with the new camera. She did a really cute job dressing herself. Oh my, how fast they do grow! :)

Anonymous said...

These came out very nice. I personally think she dressed herself very well when I think back to some of my daughter's disasters :-)

Irene said...

Great pics!

I would also recommend this book "Nikon D40/40x digital field guide" by David Busch. I got it through Amazon for about $10. He provides a much better explanation on how the camera works and the pictures are better and full color.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful girl, great camera, me needing a new one.