So instead of the birthday cake and festivities planned for him at his afternoon program he'll get a few cupcakes out of the freezer arranged like a seven (I did at least put his name on them) . I just hope that he's healthy again by Friday - he's supposed to celebrate with his class then, and his actual birthday party (bowling - the latest fad among the 7 year old set) is scheduled for Friday afternoon (and lest anyone think I've lost my birthday cake decorating drive, yes, I'm planning on making an actual cake for that one, I just didn't figure he needed two different ones in one day).
Keep your fingers crossed that this passes quickly - and that it doesn't strike anyone else in the family! Jay and I are supposed to go away for two nights mid-next week and we don't have coverage if the kids are sick!
* The new jersey has quite a story behind it. Last week Itai and I were leaving our building when he saw a man in a Maccabi Haifa jacket waiting for the elevator. He immediately started talking to him about the team. Next thing I know the guy was asking Itai who his favorite player was and what is his shirt size. Turns out, he's the official printer for the national soccer league. He promised Itai a team shirt. Since I had no idea who he was or how likely he was to follow through I warned Itai not to get his hopes up. Imagine my surprise when there was a knock on the door last night and there stood this same neighbor and his 3-year old daughter, Maccabi Haifa bag in hand! He was grinning from ear to ear as he presented Itai with an official #12 soccer jersey - signed by nearly the whole team! Itai was so excited I'm surprised he didn't sleep with the shirt last night. One of the first things he said when he realized he couldn't go to school today was that now no one would see his new shirt. (See my previous post for a picture of my oh so proud soccer fan modeling his new threads.)
Oh no, that sucks, poor little guy. My boys were poorly over Christmas and it is such a downer, but at least they didn't have anywhere to be......healthy, healthy vibes headed your way. x
I hope he feels better... They said that the Flu has finally hit here... I hope that the rest of you stay well.
Oh no.. being sick is horrible.. Being sick on your birthday sucks..
I hope that your young man is well enough for Fridays bowling and the party..
cheers Kim.. :)
Oh, my heart hurts for him! Especially that he can't show off that cool new shirt! What a great neighbor.
Hope your big guy feels better soon. My big girl just turned 7, and it is hard to believe, isn't it?
I hope it passes faster than mine did. But that story of the jersey!! That's a forever tale!
That is SO cool about the soccer jersey. Wow! I'm glad something was fun for him for his birthday. Hopefully, that's what he'll remember and not being sick. Feel better soon big guy!
Oh, poor Itai. :-(
I can just imagine his disappointment, and I hope he gets to feeling better soon.
What a great story about the shirt, though!! His smile is fantastic!
Oh no! Poor guy. I hope he's feeling better very soon.
And I agree with the others, that jersey story is wonderful! I hope he's well enough to show it off soon.
Oh, how sad to be sick on the own birthday ! Hope he recovers for Friday !
Oh it's not fair to be sick on your birthday! Hope he feels better soon!
Feel better big guy!
I love the "7" cupcakes!
Oh, poor kid! I sure hope he gets to feeling better soon--very cute cupcakes! I'm sure knowing that his mom's taking good care of him makes him feel that much better!
Oh, NO! Poor guy. Sending him extra happy Birthday wishes. Make a quick recovery, OK?
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Well Itai, that is all the better I can sing on the blogs! So, Happy Birthday, Itai!!! one more time.
Adi is better today. She is wanting lots of loving from me now and really would like for me to take her halo off so she could bite her stitches, they must itch.
So Happy WW, Robin, and Happy Birthday, Itai!!!
Poor little guy!! He looks adorable in that jersey, though. :)
7 is the best age, by the way. Absolutely, the BEST.
I'm sorry he's not feeling well, that's really no fun, especially on your birthday! Happy Birthday, Itai! And what great luck about the shirt!
Oh no - not a good day to be so sick :(
Happy Birthday Itai - seven already!
Love the footy shirt!
Wow, what a great birthday present! Hope he feels better soon.
Oh, poor little guy. I hope he's feeling better soon.
And the story behind the new jersey - that's just too cool!
Poor baby. Sick on his birthday!!!! So unfair.
But that shirt (and the story behind it) rocks!
Happy Birthday mate, from Kelley in Australia.
Poor little fella, but I'll bet that shirt (what a heart warming story) is helping him to get well soon. Happy Birthday Itai from Sydney Australia and Get Well Soon ;~)
Sorry to hear about the non-birthday. The cakes are really cute though. Happy WW!
Sorry he is feeling bad. I hate that he can't show off his jersey (what a great thing by the way)
I hope he feels better for his parties : )
Oh, and no worries on the tea set...take care of your birthday boy!
How cool is that jersey! And how un-cool to be sick on your birthday. Kinda cancels things out a bit! But hope he's better and can celebrate soon!
And in true Dutch style, congratulations to you on the anniversary of the birth of your eldest child. And many happy returns to him!
hope he is feeling better now, Robin..when children are sick it is draining for the whole family. Belated wishes to Itai on his birthday, that jersey gift is beautiful...
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