Thursday, February 14, 2008

TT - Name Calling, Shakespearean Style

Let's start with the "A"s, shall we. Enjoy...

1. A Filthy Piece Of Work
2. A Mere Dull Shadow
3. A Mind Diseas'd
4. A Very Toad
5. Abandoner Of Revels
6. Abject Drudge
7. Affable Wolf
8. Affecting Rogue
9. And Nothing Of A Man
10. Amorous Surfeiter
11. Anointed Sovereign Of Sighs And Groans
12. Arrant Counterfeit Rascal
13. Ass-Head

"Anointed Sovereign Of Sighs And Groans". They just don't write them like that anymore... Unfortunately, the website I took these from didn't provide citations so I can't tell you which comes from where without spending a lot of hours in my very musty copy of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, but they're still fun even without the references. Besides, this way you get to guess.

Which one is your favorite?

Look here for more Thursday Thirteens, and have a great day.

PS Up posting at 1:30am with sick kid. He's still running a high fever. Fingers crossed he's healthy enough for his birthday party Friday afternoon!


Anonymous said...

Now if only I can remember them, so I can them out on suitable occasions!

pussreboots said...

#13 is to the point. Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

Affable Wolff.

That's my favorite.

What's Affable mean again?

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

OMG, Robin, those are a hoot!!! I never thought of it, but you are so right. We DON'T talk like that anymore. We (and I'm incredibly guilty of this) rely on four-letter words for ... habit.


I shall try to change. You with me?

Amanda said...

Wow... these will be great to add to my repertoire.

I'm loving 4 and 13 the best!

Sandee said...

I like #10 the best. Great list. Have a wonderful TT. :)

SandyCarlson said...

No. 11 may be a genetic condition....

Anonymous said...

A Mind Diseas'd: CLASSIC!

Anonymous said...

I like 11

Happy TT.

SJ Reidhead said...

I needed that. I've given up profanity for Lent, this is wonderful!

The Pink Flamingo

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be #2! My favorite would be #13..I will try to use it as often as I can! ;-)

Deanna Dahlsad said...

How doth one choose? ;)

I'd love to be insulted in such a fashion -- I'd be all, "Thanks for putting the effort into it!" lol

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I think most men would enjoy being called an affable wolf ;)

(I've got TT's at both my blogs, please stop by and leave your linky at both!)

Anonymous said...

I'm with #13, what a great list! I'm looking forward to the Z's!

Graet TT, and different subject- I like that!!

Mine's up at:

Janet said...

I would NEVER abandon my revels!!! Gadzooks!

Capt Jack is #8, as well as 11 & 12 :-)

Ass head? Culo cabeza!

Gattina said...

Is that Shakespear short hand ?

Robin said...


Darla said...

I'm going to try to remember to call people "a very toad" when I'm annoyed with them.

Hope the sick kid gets better soon!

michelle said...

#4 A Very Toad is my favorite.

Melissa said...

love it

oneluvgurl said...

I have to say the last one! Ass-head caught me off guard! :)

My TT is 13 love songs that you can listen to in the post. Happy TT & Valentine's!

m said...

"Anointed Sovereign Of Sighs And Groans"


affable means "pleasant or easy to speak to- approachable"

I hope your son feels better soon!!

Anonymous said...

#11 is my favorite. I'll have to pull that out on a few folks I know that fit it completely.

Thanks for adding to my quotes and improving my quality of insults. They were already rather interesting because I don't commonly swear, but now they'll be downright classic. *wink*

Happy Today, :)


Joyismygoal said...

Are we mad at our English Teacher LOL what a funny topic
Good list--Have a fun Valentines Day

chanpheng said...

#4 is my favorite, and probably something that could be used in modern life - though it's probably not a good idea to put down toads. I enjoyed your list. The Bard certainly knew how to call them!

Moondancer said...

I think I like #4 and #6

Lea said...

Affable Wolf is my favorite, but Ass-Head, now that needs no explanation or pondering from what from other than A Midsummer Night's Dream and poor ole Bottom... and sometimes I am definitely # 11...

Hope Itai is feeling better...

Tasina said...

Fabulous list. has a list of 13 words Shakespeare actually was "eyeball."

Anonymous said...

I'll go profane and choose asshead. Short, sweet, to the point.

Lifeless in Ohio said...

Yes, leave it Shakespear!

(M)ary said...

i like this one:

2. A Mere Dull Shadow

i am going to use it on a coworker that seems purposely stupid in order to avoid work. she probably won't get what i mean!

Anonymous said...

Awesome list!

Melanie said...

LOL..Great list! Happy Valentine's Day!!

Anonymous said...

I should have used your TT to refer to my love-hate relationship with Blogger.

Love Shakespearean insults!!!!! He was a master.

Happy TT!

Memarie Lane said...

Definitely ass-head.

Anonymous said...

Hee. I like ass-head! :)

Anonymous said...

Those are funny. I really love abject drudge. Have a great day.

Yolanda said...

I loved this. I am so glad you stopped by. I would love hearing about where you live. It is very different here where in western Oregon we have such a moist climate.

Anonymous said...

Shakespeare's quill is mightier than the sword once again.

Fourier Analyst said...

I go for # 11. I know a couple of folks who could use that title.

And sometimes it applies to me!!

Anonymous said...

I like Affable Wolf, but then, I'm a sucker for wolves.

Sorry I haven't been by much lately--I'm going through one of those periods where life is incredibly full. *hugs*

I did four TTs this week, one at each of the raven blogs: roads, rides, range, rv.

UL said...

oh you had me giggling on each one, though 9 & 12 are my favs...

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to be so late! What a WONDERFUL TT13. I am bookmarking them so I can use them myself and sound erudite!

thanks for visiting mine...