Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Do-Over Button

If I were an inventor of magical objects, one of the things I'd invent first would be a Do-Over Button, a la Hermione Granger's timeturner, but infinitely less fragile and definitely not made out of gold. Could you imagine just throwing one of those in your purse? You'd spend half the day afraid it would break, and the other half afraid it would be stolen if you actually took it out to use it. No, I'm thinking of something infinitely more practical. Perhaps with a clip to attach it to your car keys, right between the electric locking thingie for the car and the key card from the gym. One push and you get a do-over for the last minute.

Imagine how helpful a button like this could be:

Stuck your foot in your mouth? Just push the Do-Over Button.

Something come out harsher than you'd intended? No sweat, you've got a Do-Over Button. Just try again, and this time give the answer you wished you'd given the first time. Think of how many fights could be avoided this way...

Child do something incredibly cute seconds before you managed to get the camera out? The Do-Over Button will give you a second chance at catching that perfect shot.

Fall down the stairs while holding the baby? I actually did this one. Boy could I have used a Do-Over Button that day. I managed to keep the baby from hitting the ground thank goodness, but I ended up black and blue from head to toe.

Fender-bender in the parking lot? No problem. That's what the Do-Over Button is for.

Of course it would only work for the owner, so you'd still not be able to make sure your team scored that all important goal just as the buzzer rang or keep your preschooler from learning to juggle with your good wine glasses, but still, think of all those awkward moments you would love to do over if you just had the chance.

If only it were real... Forget the moments I could redo, I could retire tomorrow on the royalties!

The Writers Island prompt for this week is second chance.


Andy Sewina said...

What a great idea the do over button is - I wish...

paisley said...

now all i need is that and a brain wave thought recorder and i am all set!!!!!!

Amanda said...

Sounds wonderful... but then again, think how much faster you would age than everyone else. That is, unless everyone else was using one, too.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Totally enjoyed the fun element of your posting! Now is that button a portable kind and how big? Purse size?

Smiles and Light

Lifeless in Ohio said...

Yes, a do-over button would be most appreciated, not only by us, but also by others affected by our haste.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I could truly use one myself. Then I wouldn't have left the light in my car on overnight, thus killing the battery, and have to ask my supremely HOT neighbor for a jump. Mighty dorkage today.

rebecca said...

great invention...does it come with an endless supply of batteries? otherwise i don't want it!

sorry, do over: does it come with an endless supply of batteries? you see, i feel i may need them quite often. thank you.


Claremont First Ward said...

Love this. I would SO love a do over button.

Tumblewords: said...

I'm placing my order at this moment. Excellent idea!

anthonynorth said...

Excellent idea. And very funny.

UL said...

i would like one please... i did the fall down with the baby as well!!

ren powell said...

Retire? Geez, you would rule the world!(Though I expect it would be a very off-kilter world).

Anonymous said...

I'd buy stock in a do-over button! :) hermione had it good...

Janet said...

I totally need one for "catching that perfect shot."!

little wing writer said...

that was a great response to the prompt!!!... sorta like an easy button