Thursday, February 21, 2008

Guess where I was today

I had the good fortune to be able to have an absolutely delightful lunch with the even lovelier in person than on her blog Phyllis - Imabima herself! She's been here in Israel for a week leading a tour group and we were able to squeeze in lunch before she heads home to Chicago tonight.

We had a great time talking and laughing together. It was the first time we've met and yet we were able to jump right in like old friends. I love blogland...

Here we are at the Carmel Market after lunch holding the very cool reusable shopping bag that I won in Phyllis' Tu B'Shvat giveaway. Now that's what I call special delivery. (Ignore the squinting, we were looking into the sun.)

And Phyllis, the bag was in use by this afternoon. I had to shlep that big bag of goodies from the Asian market plus a birthday gift for a friend, a fancy shoebox that Maya's been carting back and forth to school, a few things the kids wanted from the bakery and a few other odds and ends. It came in very handy, and I'll be putting it straight back into the car for next time :). Thanks again buddy.


Nancy said...

That is awesome! Blogosphere makes this a closer world.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Awesome, Robin!!!!

I find it interesting that you're wearing a lovely cotton (?) shirt and she's in a quilted jacket and scarf, though...

Irene said...

That is SO cool! I hope, someday, I will meet, in person, some of the wonderful people from the blogworld!

Yolanda said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time. Have a great weekend.

Claremont First Ward said...

How fun!

Reiza said...

Yay. I was waiting to hear about you two meeting up. I'm glad you had a great time.

Maybe we should all start a blogging world tour and roam around meeting each other. :-)

Robin said...

It was actually a gorgeous day, Phyllis dumped the coat five minutes after this picture was taken. I'm glad their last day was so gorgeous, because boy did they catch some cold miserable wet weather earlier in the week. It actually snowed when they were in Jerusalem, which only happens 2 or 3 times a year (and some years not ever).

Fourier Analyst said...

How cool is that!! Isn't if neat to "meet"someone you feel like you already know! Glad you guys had fun! Now it is my turn to be a tiny bit jealous. Blogland can be fantastic at times!

Anonymous said...

what a great experience--and a lovely bag! isn't the blogosphere just great?! happy friday!

Preethi said...

wow sounds like a fun day.. nothing like meeting blogger buddies to make your day!! :)

Shannon said...

That is soooo fun! I have never met someone through my blog but it would be so much fun since we all know so much about each other. I love it!

I will have to check out Phyllis' blog since she is fellow Chicagoan!

TnMomTo3 said...

How fun! You 2 look like best of friends!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I've met a few people in real life through my blog, and I love those opportunities. I always say that someday when I'm rich and all, I'll fly all my favorite bloggers to my big country estate (if and when I have one) and have a fabulous blog party.

Pieces of Me said...

That is so awesome..that is the ultimate goal of blogging

Samantha said...


My name is Samantha and I am a cousin of the Thrice Blessed Momma, Helena. I write this comment at a very troubling time for our family. Helena, left us on Thursday, February 21st. But now she is with peace and her husband Andrew. She had told us that the people she had met blogging were like a family to her. So, I felt it necessary to let you know of the funeral arrangements. The service will take place on Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 12:30pm. The location is Schoenberg Memorial Chapel (1519 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, Delaware). Please keep Madison, Zoe, and Jonathan in your thoughts and prayers.

Samantha Edelman

Robin said...

Oh god Samantha, I'm so very sorry. I worried she wasn't well after she disappeared, but I never dreamed of this. Those poor children, to have lost both parents so close together. My heart breaks for all of you. I'm 7,000 miles away, but I'd be there if I could.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I hope to meet one of my bloggy friends too, someday...especially you, Robin!