Saturday, April 5, 2008

Two Days to NC Day

New camera day that is! That is when my new toy, a brand spanking new Nikon D40 digital SLR, arrives, with grandparents and suitcases in tow.

I'd been growing increasingly frustrated with the limitations of my little point and shoot camera. I would occasionally end up with truly breathtaking pictures, but equally as often I'd get garbage, especially indoors at night (i.e. every graduation or school pageant my children were ever in). (Yes, I realize that most of that is the photographer, not the camera, but allow me my illusions, would you. Besides, this camera really and truly does suck at night.)

A few months ago we (ok, I) decided it was time to take the plunge and head on up the photographic ladder to see what an SLR could do for us. My husband, internet shopper extraordinaire, spent weeks if not months (years, decades...) comparing cameras, checking prices, and finally ordering (only to cancel and immediately reorder from the same company when they dropped the price two days later!) our new baby, complete with an 18-55mm zoom lens, bag and other assorted doodads.

Watch this space over the next few weeks. There are sure to be some spectacular failures as I learn my way around my new toy, and hopefully a good one thrown in here and there as well.

Oh, and a bit of touring, holidays, and visiting with the grandparents as well.

Sunday Scribblings prompt for this week is photograph. Ever since we ordered the new camera, I've been completely frustrated with the old one, so I'm not waxing all that poetic about individual photographs at the moment. Hopefully that will change soon.


Betty Carlson said...

How fun! It looks great -- I do my best with an in-between camera. I'm sure you'll have fun with this one. I can feel your excitement!

Gemma Wiseman said...

I am soooooooooo envious!

This year I am hoping to get a digital camera. Just so enjoy taking pics!

Hav fun with your new toy!


Becca said...

Enjoy it - and I'll be watching for the results!

Daily Panic said...

You will enjoy this camera.

anthonynorth said...

Sadly it wouldn't be any use to me. I'm the world's worse photographer :-(
But I look forward to your shots! :-)

Irene said...

I can't imagine how excited you are! I LOVE my D40 (if you haven't noticed).

I thought I would go nuts waiting 3 days for mine to be shipped. You must be beside yourself!

I look forward to seeing lots of pictures!

Tammy Brierly said...

Lucky girl! I can't wait to see your shots. I'm green with envy. ;)

Shannon said...

awesome! I am so jealous. Can't wait to see your new masterpieces!

Granny Smith said...

A new camera is a great incentive for taking pictures of everything. And in my experience that means literally everything, now that I am freed from the necessity of buying film with my digital camera with its practically infinite capacity and and ability to erase.

I was amused by your description of your husband's research before buying. My husband did the same, and, what's more, my oldest son got into the act!

Happy shooting!

paisley said...

and what a beauty it is... i have never even figured out how to use my point and shoot correctly,,, so it will be awhile,, if ever i will know this pleasure first hand.....

GreenishLady said...

Enjoy it! And have a great time with the visitors!

Patois42 said...

I have so much camera envy right now. My cheap-o digital has been out for repairs for nine weeks now. I'm just about to break down and buy another. But nothing as fine as that.

Christy Woolum said...

I am about ready to take the plunge also. Congratulations on your new purchase. I look forward to seeing even better pictures.

L^2 said...

I'm so excited for you (and yes, a little bit jealous too). I'm sure once you get the hang of using it, you'll love it. Happy new camera day! Looking forward to all the pictures.

Tumblewords: said...

Wow! How exciting!! All of it. Camera, grandparents, touring... have a great time - I'll be watching for photos, too.

Anonymous said...

All you will have to do then, will be to try and fathom out how on earth to make it go! best of luck

Phyllis Sommer said...

ooh ooh! can't wait to see the results....

Janet said...

I know you'll have fun with it!

Christie O. said...

aww man, i'm jealous! my sister just got one and i am starting the initiation of hints, winks and nudges to my husband.

Anonymous said...

fancy! an SLR! very impressed! :) i just got a new camera too. Sony. it's wonderful! have fun snapping all kinds of photos.

Amanda said...

Wow! Wow! That is my DREAM camera. I'm glad that you got one--now you can tell us all about it, if it was a good deal for what you need, etc.