Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's over

My favorite and much beloved aunt died today. Overnight it went from being a matter of weeks to days to just hours. My younger cousin, who is a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan, didn't make it in time. He's still traveling. They've delayed the funeral until he can get here which means probably until Sunday so sadly I won't be able to make it. We leave tomorrow on unchangeable tickets, and both kids have to start school on Monday. I know Barbara would understand and would never want me to stay and screw up the start of their school year, but I hate that I can't be here for my father and my cousins.

Goodbye Aunt Barbara. I love you and I miss you. Very much. I'm so glad I got the chance to tell you that just 3 short weeks ago, and that you finally got the chance to see what incredible little people my kids have turned into. It meant the world to Itai that you put his drawing up on the mantel, and it means the world to me that you finally got the chance to see them both, since you never did make it over to Israel to visit.

You were much loved, and you touched many many lives while you were here. Mine was but one, but I'll miss you dearly. Goodbye.


Phyllis Sommer said...

May her memory be for a blessing.

Jill said...

Oh Robin - I'm so sorry! How wonderful that you got to see her before she passed... and that she got to see your kids.

Safe travels back to Israel. Thinking of you.

Robert said...

That was a very touching post. I feel for you and your family in your loss. She sounds like a wonderful person. Blessings to you during this trying time.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Robin. My condolences to all of your family.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

May her memory be for a blessing, my friend.

Travel safe and be sure to pull out the old pictures so the kids can know their aunt in better times.

Anonymous said...

My sympathies for you and your family, Robin. How very fortunate you all got to see each other one final time . . .

Unknown said...

Robin, I am so sorry. It's so difficult to lose someone so close. I'll be thinking of you.

Nancy said...

I'm sorry for the loss you are feeling Robin. But, I am happy you got to be here and visit her and she was able to see your children.

Peace to you and safe travels home.

Scribbit said...

Oh I'm so sorry Robin. What a sad thing for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, Robin..

Amy Ruttan said...

Hugs. So sorry for your loss.

mother in israel said...

I'm so sorry, Robin. How lucky that you were able to see her so recently.

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear that! your family will be in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Leora said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Robin. I hope you can share more about your special aunt; so hard to lose someone you love so much.

Terri said...

So very sorry Robin. She sounded very important to you. A terrible loss.

Anonymous said...

My condolences to you, my friend, for your loss. I'm certain she was a remarkable woman. My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss. It's good that you managed to see her before she died.

Janet said...

Robin, I'm very sorry about your Aunt. It's so great she got to see the kids, tho :-)

deedee said...

I am so sorry about your Aunt.

Gilit Frank said...

sorry about your aunt's passing, robin - welcome back - if you are not too jet lagged, hopefully we will see you at the bookclub on monday night in tel mond.

you've posted some amazing photos.

hopefully the fact that you got to see your aunt just in time will give you comfort.

carmilevy said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Robin. You wrote about her with such reverence and love that it was easy to see that she knew just how deeply you felt about her.

May her memory always be a blessing, and may you and your mishpacha know no further sorrow.

Anonymous said...

Oh hon, I'm so sorry, but glad your kids got to meet her. {hugs}