Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Not tomorrow after all

Trip has been delayed a day. Thank you Hurricane Fay.

All things considered, everyone handled the change remarkably well. Of course it helped that Grandpa was able to extend their hotel another night and even got them on a better flight on Saturday, so it's the same length trip, just a day later.


anymommy said...

But, can mom handle the delay? I am so jealous, hope everyone has a fabulous time.

Anonymous said...

They'll have a great time.
Meanwhile, looking forward to meeting you this weekend!

Jill said...

They're still leaving and you're staying... what I wouldn't give for a small break in the action!!

Anonymous said...

hurricanes always have a way of screwing things up. sorry about the delay, but at least the trip doesn't have to get cut short! :) stay safe!

Robin said...

Turns out their flight would have gone after all, but they'll get much better weather by waiting a day. Unfortunately it's cold and rainy here today too, but mom's taken the kids to the arcade for the morning. I'm about to go get to work so that I'll be free to relax the rest of the week.

Can't wait to meet you Friday night Maribeth. Are we on for 7?

Anonymous said...

Hey, but at least they are still going and you still get time alone...

Unknown said...

A day later is MUCH better. :) The weather would have been super yucky.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Hope all goes well