I'm going to pass this one on to Dawn from Weldable Cookies for being so incredibly cool and for never being afraid to tell it like it is. Dawn describes herself as a cranky, middle-aged lesbian building contractor, though she doesn't strike me as all that cranky ;-), but I definitely dispute the middle aged bit - she's only a few years older than me! (Warning, some of her content is not family-friendly. Choose your moment wisely).
and to our own Ima on the Bima, Phyllis, for being such a force for good in blogosphere.
And then before I could turn around both Jjientje and Libby, two of our little corner of the blogosphere's loveliest and most generous of spirit bloggers, were sending the Honest Scrap award my way. This one comes with a catch though, you have to list ten honest facts about yourself. (Thankfully Dawn skipped me for this one, I don't think I could manage to keep up with her level of honesty LOL.)

Ten things? I'm pretty open here so you guys already know an awful lot about me. Let's see...
1. My number one escapist fantasy destination is Tahiti. When life gets rough I always fantasize about running away to Tahiti. Someday I may even get there.
2. I learned to ski when I was five.
3. I haven't skied in about ten years, but in all honesty I don't miss it that much. I've gotten too used to being warm!
4. I'm a dyed in the wool folkie, i.e. I love love love (English language) folk music. No, not just the Sixties Revival stuff, the really old stuff too - like ballads that have been handed down orally for five hundred years.
5. Neither of my children have middle names. They aren't common here in Israel and my own tends to really confuse things, so we didn't bother giving them one.
6. I used to speak fluent French, even writing college papers (in French of course) on medieval French literature, but when I moved to Israel and learned Hebrew it drove my French straight out of my head. Now it's all I can do to order dinner.
7. I've never been to South America.
8. My utter lack of willpower in the face of a good cream sauce is legendary, and apparently also not my fault - it's those Hungarian genes!
9. My dining rooms chairs are getting a bit worn and I keep getting poked in the butt by upholstery nails - and those suckers are sharp!
10. I'm finally seeing an allergist tomorrow to hopefully figure out why every mild cold that comes through lands in my lungs and leaves me with a miserable asthmatic upper respiratory infection.
There, that's ten. Now to pick my victims recipients...
I'm going to go with:
Susan (or perhaps Trevor) - the coolest rocker/writer chick around
Lea - an amazing beautiful soul, and an artist and labyrinth designer too!
Janet - a fantastic photographer and blog-turned-in real life friend
Nancy over at Marie Millard - for always putting a smile on my face
Thank you all - for the awards, for reading this blog, for commenting, and for making this little corner of cyberspace the warm wonderful place that it is.
A warm spot indeed. Well done you on your awards, well deserved. Sounds as if your home is suffering similarly too mine - too many kids in our case I think or maybe just too many bodies.
Thanks for being a good sport, and playing! How long did it take you to learn Hebrew?
Congratulations x 2!
I like your endorsement for 'Weldable Cookies', along with the warning - I blog at work on my break and on my lunch hour, so I'll save that one for home only ;-)
aww, Robin, thanks! you're so sweet and very deserving of all the accolades:-)
shavua tov....may this week bring peace.
You deserve every one!
Kudos! I so enjoy your blog and it has motivated me to work more on my own. Around the Island is one of my favorite places to visit these days.
Congrats - they are well-deserved. I look forward to visiting you!
So, a trip to South America is in order?! Also, Hebrew and French? You have my undying admiration now, and envy!
Aren't bloggers fab, feeling the love! MH
#9 -- me too!!
Someone told me that I should try re-uphostering my chairs by myself. I am a little daunted by the prospect, but I want to try... (before forking out big bucks for something I can do myself... in theory...)
Oh, Dawn definitely IS that cranky. And she can't be middle aged, because she's considerably younger than I am, and I am merely approaching that status.
Lis, who is not a blogger, but So enjoys Dawn's and all she links to.
Awe, thanks for the nod Robin.
And I always enjoy coming here not only for your great writing abilities, but for those photos that I keep prodding you to open an Etsy account and sell!
I am humbled and flattered by your praise. OK, and dumbfounded. I don't think you could pick two more different women out of a crowd than the two of us, but I love reading your blog and you love reading mine. Go figure. For whatever reason, we stumbled across each other's worlds and seem to enjoy visiting. What a gift that is. That you and I, as different as we are, can call one another friend. Wars are fought over lesser differences than there are between you and me. I am glad that we are able to go beyond what makes us different to what makes us alike and to be friends. Thank you again.
I'm thinking about it Nancy, I'm thinking about it.
Hi! Robin,
I really enjoy reading your posts! And all those great pictures you take.
I loved reading this!!So you used to speak French huh? Probably better than me!
You have to know that none of this is flattery... it is the TRUTH!!!!
Thank you so Robin, not only for entrusting me with the honest hammer... but your sweet words! I will add to the "scrap" pile, but it might take me awhile!
Awwww, thanks Robin :-) Not as much for the tag (which I enjoy) as for the words :-)
Man, I can't believe I hadn't said thank you before this... I have a bad habit of doing this. I'll open the tab so I include this in the post I'm working on, and then I forget to say thanks!
No wonder you left me a comment after I'd already seen this!
Stay tuned... you're going to get double exposure for throwing it my way... *grin*
I didn't actually know that you'd been here, I just figured I'd give you a heads up in case you hadn't seen it :).
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