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.With a little bit of imagination this looks almost like a scene from my childhood. The pale branches remind me of the white birch trees which filled my front yard as a child, and the white background of snow.
In reality, the branches are those of my small and somewhat hard-done-by fig tree (we accidentally turned the water off for a week during one of the hottest week's of the summer and nearly sent it to its doom), the pointy tips of the branches the green of new growth, and the white in the background is simply the white stucco wall of my rooftop patio. Disappointing for a moment perhaps, until I look up at the clear blue sky and remember that I'm actually standing outside on January 18th in nothing more than jeans and a long-sleeved shirt and suddenly it all feels right again.
Visit Monochrome Monday for more of this week's visions in black and white.
I am seeing so many snow pictures at present that it did not seem out of place... until I thought, 'Wait a minute'.
Makes a good Mono - and I hope it recovers.
OOPS! Well, I hope the fig tree forgives you as the green tips suggest it may have. I've never eaten a fresh fig but I hear they are delicious!
Very nice shot, makes for a great mono pic.
"... I'm actually standing outside on January 18th in nothing more than jeans and a long-sleeved shirt ... "
we're getting over a foot of snow.
bite me.
Great shot/illusion.
I can only WISH all this snow in Michigan was an illusion =)
That's a beautiful shot. I love winter branches against the sky.
I had a couple of fig trees once upon a time in the yard of a house i used to live in. Unfortunately, just like the pear trees the squirrels would usually rob me blind before the fruit could even ripen.
If you hadn't said anything I would have believed this was taken against a snow scene. I'm not sure it would have even registered that that couldn't be. And if it had, I probably would have simply thought it was an older shot.
Nice contrast here. Maybe it's weird, but I like the minimalistic appearance of bare trees.
My mother-in-law makes the BEST fig preserves. She puts chopped pineapple and pecans in it. YUM
Love this shot! Sometimes, i just love to see the branches without leaves, they look beautiful too!
Honestly, it could be a winter scene. I like the simplicity.
I could have sworn it's a snowy branch!! You're lucky to have such warm temperatures where you live! On the other hand ....
I'm not sure I'd want to trade I think?
What a simple but pretty tree waiting for spring.
I love fig trees! Everyone on my block had them, growing up, while we had pecan trees. Other neighbors had orange trees. I do miss those. Glad you're able to head out in jeans and just a shirt. And glad you're seeing growth on your fig.
It does feel of winter the strak ness of the image. Very striking.
I think it's lovely! And lucky you to have nice weather!
Looks fragile and old before its time. But tree branches look that way, don't they?
Good winter illusion.
Might have been the birches outside my kitchen window.
Have I once heard that the fig tree is an allusion of Israel?
From Felisol
This would make a great note card...
I think bare branches and the shapes and lines make for interesting pictures. Good one.
A nice mono. I like the patterns made by the branches.
Had me fooled with this one. After reading your post I had to look again. I was certain that it was snow in the background.
I'm having a poll over on www.dackelprincess.com
Please come and vote! I need your opinion on this!!!
Hi There,
It fooled me I thought it was snow....
Beautiful Robin!!!
Someday... I too will have a fig tree, as I grew up climbing in them... darn, there goes another honest fact... ;-) heeheheh
That is a lovely MM image. Very nice lines. I had a fig tree in my backyard in San Jose long ago. I loved it and had a wonderful recipe for fig bread. Enjoy the sunshine.
I love the picture. It looks so clean and crisp. Of course in SC, I can only imagine getting some snow, since we are so far from it. Thanks so much for sharing.
Happy Monday!!
Oh honey, you can have some of the 11 inches I got on Sunday!!!
I'd much rather have the appearance of snow than the real stuff we have here--ick. Lovely shot: I especially like the textures in the tree bark.
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