Over the years I've shared some of our journey, the low points as well as the bright ones, and the deliberations along the way, so it seems only fair not to leave you hanging now.
Okay, I'm just going to come right out and say it.
*checks around for stray lightning bolts*
Maya is doing incredibly well.
There. I said it.
*looks around, ducks again*
It's true. Maya is doing so well I feel like my heart is going to burst with joy just from looking at her. She's made so many leaps forward these past few months that I don't even know where to begin. She's seeking out other children to play with, she's telling us about her day - actual stories of actual events, not just the scripted "How was your day? Fun. What did you do? Played. What did you play with? Toys." that we always saw in the past. Heck, she's even tattling on other children! (Not that we're encouraging that particular behavior, but it's so age and developmentally appropriate that we can't help but smile.) She's drawing families and flower gardens and jellyfish - the girl who refused to do more than scribble as recently as August. She's writing - in both Hebrew and English. Not just her name or the names of her family, but entire birthday cards ("Happy birthday Gali, Best Wishes, Maya" - I help her spell but the writing is all hers). She dances along (with moves that would put Britney Spears to shame, god help us when she becomes a teenager) to the soundtrack of this year's children's extravaganza (Festigal), announcing the names of each of the pop stars as they begin to sing, and naming her favorites. She has fairy parties with her friends, where they dress up in costumes and pretend to do their hair and makeup, and she makes up fairy stories which she pretends to "read" from a pretend book (this from the child they were worried might never achieve symbolic play). She reacts to a younger child scribbling on her drawing by coming to the other room to tell me, in a reasonably calm voice, what happened and asking me to make him stop, instead of screaming and flipping over furniture. Someone asked me recently if her tantrums had gotten any better (what does that mean, anyway, that she's better at throwing them?) and you know, I couldn't remember the last real tantrum she'd thrown. (That last one is going to bring down the wrath of the gods for sure, hubris thy name is Robin. Well, if it does, remind me that it will pass, eventually, and that it was all in the name of truth and honest disclosure. And then make me a really strong drink. With an umbrella in it.)
On that note, I'd better quit while I'm still (hopefully) ahead of the game and go off to bed, but before I go I'll leave you with this, and I dare you not to smile back.

Hi Robin,
A good cause for celebration! And I'm glad you're inspired to write again (without leaving the photography on the back burner!)
Have a good week!
LOVE that pic!!
Not sure how I feel about the new look of your blog. I rather liked the old one....
(and, like so many of our kids, I have a difficult time with transitions....)
Love the pic! You were right, I smiled.
Robin, your blog is such a breath of fresh air! I want to come to Israel to meet you one day. Will we be able to enjoy a cup of coffee together?! I hope so!
Until then, enjoy your 'tiger'. She's cute!
Oh that is wonderful! Prayers help so much as did all the work you all put into this. You have unlocked Maya! Yay!!!
may she continue to grow and blossom....
she is so adorable!
What a wonderful entry. I am heading off to bed and this was such great news to end the day on... I just know Maya will continue to flourish! ((hug)) (Good job, Mama Bear)
Happy to read what you write and let those pictures keep flowing in :)
Well hoorah! I'm hoping for no lightning bolts any time soon in your neck of the woods. :) Sounds wonderful!
Dear Robin,
I have but one word,
From tear wet Felisol
Dear Robin,
You are not only describing hope, but real momentous achievements of Maya.
What ever "lightening bolt" might occur, you now have new proofs of Maya's capacities.
Nothing can take that away. Never.
From Felisol
So happy to hear about Maya! I am sure as a mom, no happiness could be greater than this.
What a great picture! Jumping for joy here Robin! Don't worry about lighting strikes, enjoy the sunshine! It looks like you have you have have about a million watts there. :)
Robin, I am so happy for these evidences of Maya's development, abilities and talents. She's just going to do things in her own good time :). She's a beautiful girl.
I lost the dare... I grinned from ear to ear reading this and seeing Maya's gorgeous photo!
Mazel Tov on all the good things happening... you deserve them!
She is the most darling of faeries! Enjoy, enjoy enjoy, with no holds Robin, for this is pure delight to see her loving life so... XO
Whoooo Hoooo!!!!!
I'm so happy for you!
Carol Anne
How can one not smile? Good post.
She's adorable, Robin! Glad she's doing so well! I have my fingers crossed... :)
Oh yay! My heart is happy to read this!
I know what you mean about tempting fate by speaking of it all. But I am so glad you shared. I'm so glad to hear she's doing so much better! So, so very happy for you. :)
Beatiful girl, amazing Mom...so tempted to flip back through your blog (newbie) and see her diagnosis, but I can guess....
She wouldn't be here, if not for you...kudo's MOmmie, and conrats!
Go flip if you want, it might very well surprise you.
Wonderful. A pleasure to read and to hear your pleasure shining through!
The blog looks gorgeous - love it.
Yup. Can't look at that shot and not grin.
Good luck!
It brightens my day to read about good times with Maya. I feel your joy and pride and it lifts me. Congratulations on the forward movement. Your hard work is paying off and Maya is reaping the benefits and taking off. She is such a beautiful little girl who truly deserves the world.
Sing those praises far and wide. Nothing can take away those strides that have been happening. If tomorrow holds something different, so be it. Today is a good day. Lots of love and hugs!
This makes me SO happy for you!!!
And...your new blog design is spectacular!
That is wonderful Robin. Enjoy your daughter.
And I like the new look. Is it larger print (read my latest post and you'll see why I'm asking :-) )
I'm so glad :)
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