Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rosh Pina Window

Click to enlarge

I'm killing two memes with one (half-sepia) stone (arch window) today.
I've had this photo kicking around since our visit to Rosh Pina this winter waiting for it's day in the sun, and today seemed like as good a day as any, since none of my recent shots fit either of these prompts very well.


Dina said...

An arch is beautiful any day of the week.

RA said...

What a beautiful window for these two memes! It looks like a part of a castle in a fairytale. I expect Rapunzel or the Sleeping Beauty to appear any time :). Have a great day, Robin.

Unknown said...

This is totally beautiful!
Looks like out of a fairy tale!

Leora said...

Wonderful old world window with bright beautiful scene inside!

Mary said...

Its a wonderful shot for both and I love the way you did the half sepia.

Daryl said...

Its still a window and its a good one so much history in this ... imagine all the stories this arched window has seen

GalleryJuana said...

At first glance, it looks like a fresco. Beautiful view.

Anonymous said...

It's very pretty & I like the sepia on the stone - Is that a body of water thru the window? Looks like a very nice scene out there!

kayerj said...

I must learn more about photo shop. did you actually preserve the color of the scenery and remove the color in the stone? I'm just learning--anyway I love your shot for both meme's

Stop by to see my sepia scene no window yet, I'll look later if my day allows it.

ellen b. said...

That's a gorgeous shot Robin! I really like it...

Come Away With Me said...

Old stones and arched frames always make for a great wonders who built the window and what they thought about as they gazed through it.

Annie Jeffries said...

Pretty and so well balanced. I like how you have the greenery so well centered in the frame of the stone arch.

Unknown said...


RivkA with a capital A said...

I LOVE pictures like this! I have several that I took in Tzfat when I was hear for the year -- those beautiful stone windows that just look out on the most beautiful views....

maryt/theteach said...

Robin what a beautiful job for both Window Views and Sepia Scenes! I love a window that makes a frame for landscape! :)

Dianne said...

I love stone work! and this is a beautiful example along with a gorgeous view

Anonymous said...

Beautiful choice and effect.

Mojo said...

Well since both memes have the same host, and the links were overlapping on Mr. Linky yesterday (and might still be for all I know) it's fitting that you'd multi-task them together.

And if anybody gives you any lip about it, you send 'em to see me because this is fabulous!

day by day said...

Great choice....what a wonderful picture!! Thanks soooo much for your kind words on S's blog! I really value your opinion/suggestions and I am so fortunate to have your support. No one understands like someone who has walked the same path. Thanks, again!!!

Ralph said...

Sepia stonework seems to work so well. The stone along with a more ancient style seems perfect, and the arch shows that. Better sepia stonework than gray - and the outside view seems nice and soft as the bricks look soft in sepia...

Phyllis Sommer said...


my february 2010 trip (the women again) is scheduled for 1 or 2 nights in Rosh Pina, at Mitzpe HaYamim, have you ever been there? It looks gorgeous from their website but I could make my backyard look like a spa online:-)

PJ said...

I love this! The stone arch with the view is wonderful. You must have had a great time.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful photo, Robin! I love the shape of the arch and the branch and tree on the other side.

Robin said...

I've never been there Phyllis but I have heard good things about it.

Tricia - the Sea of Galilee is down below the town of Rosh Pina, where this photo was taken, but you can't see it from there. The blue you see is just (a somewhat overcast) sky :).

Libby's Library said...

love this photo. I would pay for a copy!