I haven't been fortunate enough to get out on the water yet this season (I wish I knew the folks on that boat - they had a fabulous day for sailing) but I'm hoping to remedy that as soon as we get to New Hampshire. Just a few more days now and we'll be zipping around on my dad's boat and playing with the new kayaks my parents just bought to lure the kids home to mess around with, and later in the month Jay and I will hopefully get to feel the wind in the sails as well when we head out to the Maine coast for a few days.
We're hoping too that the skies will finally clear and we'll all finally see some of those hot and sunny days that make New England's all too brief summers such a glorious thing.
We head out Tuesday night so posting may be a bit sporadic this week as I cram in three full work days between now and then, plus packing for the kids and I for a full month away (Jay is on his own as far as packing is concerned) and the kids' end of the year play for their afternoon program, which for some reason happens only at the end of July instead of at the end of the school year.
Now it's your turn. Put up your Summer Stock post and then come here and post your permalink (the link to the individual post, rather than to your blog's main page - this makes it much easier for everyone to follow along - you can get the permalink by clicking on your post's title). Your Summer Stock images can be anything at all that says summer to you, but please tag the post as Summer Stock and link back to Around the Island so that we can all find you. Most importantly, have fun with it, and do take the time to visit your fellow participants - it's great fun to see what summer looks like all over the world.
Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful holiday....
I hope the weather stays fine for you...
Have a safe journey....:-))))
That sea is so blue, it looks so relaxing on that boat.
I hope you have a great holiday. :-)
Take a deep breath - eat some chocolate - prop your feet up - make a list of everything you need to do in the next three days - eat some more chocolate...and try to relax.
I hate trying to get ready for a big trip.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe vacation.
I just signed up with Mr. Linky
Hope you enjoy by photo's!
I hope you all have an awesome time on your trip back to the States. We'll be waiting for stories and plenty of pictures! :-)
Gorgeous blue! I hate the packing part - but love the traveling part. It is much easier to pack now as the kids are bigger. I remember flying to Bulgaria 2 years ago with 5 and 2 years old boys - nightmare. Now is so much easier when we are able to reason with the little ones. Hope you have a great adventure!
My Hubby wants to retire to a sailboat sooner rather than later. He'd kill to be out there. Okay, maybe not technically kill, but seriously maim. :)
I'm a trifle tardy with my entry this week, but understand that freshness comes at a price. I took this shot not much over an hour ago. If it were any fresher it would still me swimming...er... still in the camera.
And if you make it to the sunny south while you're here, look me up!
Maine...?!? So close, and yet so far... How I wish we could meet and have some yummy fish and chips!
Lovely shot of the sailboat in that intense blue sea. The ocean never seems that brilliant a hue around here.
that sailboat on the blue water looks absolutely stunning. And how fun for you and your family to be heading out for a month's vacation :)
Sounds lovely,New England is so beutiful (even in the fall,when I was there...)Have a very nice holiday!
Enjoy your wonderful holliday Robin! ( well, after this hectic week is over )
What a gorgeous blue sea, I wish ours was so blue!
Great photos everyone, keep 'em coming. I am loving this project :).
As for the packing, I am the queen of packing lists. The list has been ready for days, now it's the "pile things all over the couch" phase, in between the "shuttle the children all over creation" phase. Chocolate sounds like a lot more fun.
That must be awesome to be out there on the boat on a hot summer day!
that reminds me of a song...sailing on a summer breeze, skipping over the ocean like a stone...I can't remember the rest of the words right now. What a beautiful photo, it makes you feel like you could be there.
Looking forward to seeing you this August!
I wish NH and/or ME were closer to NY ... so close and yet so many hours apart!
My photo this week, thank you as always for linking me while I am asleep, is another from the wonderful time I spent in VA at BlogFestMathews'09 ...
Robin, that's a lovely shot! I hope you do get to sail when you get to New Hampshire! :)
HI Robin !! This is so a beautiful shot !! Thanks for sharing the beauty..Unseen Rajasthan
have a great trip!:-)
Ahh, the Mediterranean...Well, I hope we get to hook up somwhere near the Atlantic, anyway! Hey Daryl, wanna carpool? I'll take you, no problem! Although it may be boring to watch two old high school buddies catch up on stuff! Robin, make sure you have my number, and don't forget to call me, o.k.? : )
How exciting!!! A month in New England!! I was born there and spent all of my childhood summers there!! Hope the weather will cooperate for you...here in Upstate NY we have had a very cool summer...which is ok for those of us who dislike alot of heat and humidity! Your sailing picture is beautiful!! Wishing you safe travels and happy vacation memories...look forward to your posts along the way!!
Have a great time ahead.
I want to be sailing on that boat right now! Lovely photo.
Good luck getting out of town. I know how difficult that can be.
BTW, I am so joining in next week. I am loaded in summer stock!
Wishing you a wonderful trip back to the states!
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