Tonight we lit the first candle on the Hannukah menorah (or rather the menorahs, plural - each kid has one that they made, plus the ceramic one Jay and I were given by his mother when we first got married).
I completely forgot to take pictures in the
(Editor's note: The kindergarten Hannukah party is a Big Deal in Israel, complete with much singing, dancing, props, jelly donuts and the ubiquitious black-lit white shirts. The "light sabers" you see are from these very strange light up sheep that the children recieved as a gift. No, I don't know what sheep have to do with Hannukah either. Nothing I suspect, but light up toys of every ilk seem to appear every December to mark the coming of the Festival of Lights.) .

PS If you're liking the new larger images I've been posting lately you can thank Rita from Coffeeshop Free Stuff - for this Blogger image size hack and for a whole host of other very cool PhotoShop and PS Elements (finally, someone who recognizes that Elements users are serious about their craft, even if they can't afford or justify buying the full version) actions, textures, tips and tricks that she actually gives away for FREE!
Happy Hannukah to you and yours too!
Happy Hannukah to you and your family :)
Happy Hannukah to you and your family!
Happy Hannukah! The Menorah looks very festive--I'm glad you explained the light sabers in the background.
Light-up sheep?? I can see now that not having kids around anymore I am missing a whole new aspect of Israel.
This picture is great! Love the atmosphere.
Chag sameach.
Happy Hannukah to you and your family!
My Happy Hanukkah wish to you, Robin!
Happy Hanukkah to you and yours! The colorful candles and those light up sheep really made the event look festive!
Dear Robin,
I wish you and your family happy Hanukkah. May your lives and heart be filled with light and joy.
From Felisol
That is a wonderful photo. Light, kids, wonder!
Such a pretty picture, Robin!
Happy Hannukah to your family!!
happy happy hanukkah!!
Happy Hanukkah, my friend!! Enjoy your holidays!!
Happy Hanukkah gorgeous.
Happy Hannukah Robin to you and your family. Personally, I think light sabers go very well with Hannukah. And, I love the photo too. I am participating in a Holiday Art Sale in my neighborhood today, and my friend, who has offered to help me, is doing it as her Hannukah present to me. It is nice to get that kind of present, as you can't repay a person's time.
Happy Hannukah and enjoy herding those sheep!
Happy Hannukah Robin!
Happy Hannukah to you and your family. Great shot!
Happy Hannukah! And beatiful picture.
Please send me the link for how to make picture size bigger. That would be great for Wishing True since I feature so many artists.
Happy Hannukah! What a fabulous shot. =D
Happy Hannukah Robin. And I think you could easily be forgiven for missing the photos from home with the chaos that was no doubt erupting around sunset. Besides, this shot is awesome.
"Blogger image size hack"? I'm curious what that might be. But whatever it is, I love your images at any size.
Shalom and L'Chaim my friend!
Here's a link to the hack:
CoffeeShop Image Size Hack
I'll e-mail it to you both too just in case you don't check comments.
Happy Hannukah, Robin, to you and yours, mimi
Finger flashlights here. Bizarre spotlight effect. Why? Don't know.
This is a cool image and subject Robin! I really enjoy this type of thing- terrific-
I love how vivid the colours are!!! Though...why are all the candles lit if it was only the first night of Chanukah?? Didn't they get the memo re: outcome of Hillel vs. Shammai???
Happy Hannukah Robin! And thank you so much for your incredibly nice words about my blog. I didn't know if anyone would be interested in Blogger hacks, but it seems so! I am adding more in the near future so come and visit! Rita
It was two days before Hannukah started Riv, so the candlelighting was just for show, not official :).
And Rita, thank YOU. I've learned so much from you, and you're so incredibly generous with your knowledge.
Happy Hannukah! Menorahs are fascinating. My little one Boris wants one and every time they show a message on TV he says: Hannukah mom, this is Hanukkah. They made paper menorah in school and they are on the wall next to the Christmas tree now. And the Kwanzaa candles too. Never heard about Kwanza before - had to Google it. We learn something new every day.
I like all the lights and the donates of Hannukah. I saw Leora had some homemade on her blog. Yum.
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