Friday, January 28, 2011

White on Black


Several as yet unblogged (stay tuned) projects have been consuming my time lately; I haven't had much chance to shoot for fun and it's been even longer than that since I've had a chance to participate in Carmi's wonderfully introspective Thematic Photographic project. This week's theme of curves felt like a good match for this closeup of an antique crocheted tablecloth. It's one of a series of family heirlooms I'm shooting for a friend, who's using them to illustrate a book she's writing about her family history. Can you imagine the hours that must have gone into making this, one painstaking stitch (is it called a stitch in crochet? I'm hopeless with a needle, or crochet hook, myself) at a time. Not only a family heirloom but a reminder of another time, one that existed in a completely different world.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in my etsy shop yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


Dina said...

Don't as ME what a stitch or whatever is called. Sadly untutored in these crafts. All I know is that the pattern and your photo are beautiful.

Come Away With Me said...

I don't crochet but I'm pretty sure it is called a stitch, same as in knitting. That's a gorgeous pattern. I can't imagine trying to create it, however, one tiny stitch at a time!

21 Wits said...

Oh my yes I know...lots of fun loving enjoyabe crazy hours! Great curve post!

Gilly said...

Great curves post, and very clever! Beautiful stitiching too.

Dimple said...

Yes, the stitch in crochet is a "stitch!" ;) This is beautiful work, how fortunate for your friend that it was preserved, and that you are documenting it.
I do crochet, but I have never attempted anything so fine or large as this tablecloth.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

that is almost identical to one that my dear Nanna had in her dining room.

Made me smile. thanks for that.

carmilevy said...

I closed my eyes and was transported right back to my bubbeh and zaydeh's house, and the ornate dark wood pedestal table in the living room that was covered with a tablecloth very much like this one. In my mind's eye, I can feel what it was like to stand there, all barely-four-feet of me, in the dimly lit room, surrounded by reminders of a faraway life.

This is a powerful image of a powerful icon of your friend's family history. You have, in typical Robin style, captured the meaning in this shot. I can't wait to hear how the book project progresses.

Daryl said...

What amazing patience and agile fingers that took