As another spring heat wave hits Israel we are planning a fitting sendoff tomorrow for my parents on their last day with us before they head back to the snowbanks of New England. We're celebrating this sneak preview of summertime in style - the first summer fruits, terribly overpriced but such a decadent change from winter's heavy fare, chilled white wine instead of heavy reds, even a day at the beach planned for their final hours before boarding the plane...

It's been a wonderful visit, a time to reconnect, to rediscover, and above all to enjoy each other. And that we have. We'll be sad to see them go, but quickly enough we will lose ourselves in our daily routine, made busier and more joyful with the return of the sun's warmth which can't help but encourage long lazy afternoons at the playground, weekend barbecues with friends, and Saturday afternoons at our favorite beachside pub. And then, before we can blink, August will be here and we will see each other again.

Phooey is right. Blogger...
I absolutely hate saying goodbye. The only place I ever travel is back and forth to see family and friends I miss so much.
I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow and that they have an uneventful flight. We look forward to the pics.
i'm glad it was a good visit! can't wait to see the pics!
The beach sounds wonderful! I am glad you had a good time.
Lovely. Glad to got to spend good quality time with your family. Always important.
Now that you have your fab camera, a new domain that won't bug your photo uploading tasks will be perfect! :-)
So great that you can see your parents so many times in a year!
I know how you feel. So fun when you live far away and parent's visit. Especially for the kids.
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