Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Part-time pitfalls

Working part-time from home is fantastic for me, and an option that I know I am extremely lucky to have, about 95% of the time.

Today however is part of the other 5%.

The entire country is off for the Passover holiday today, with many people off for the entire 8 days. Unfortunately, because I work part-time by the hour, if I don't work, I don't get paid. And because I have some major family vacations coming up in the next few months I can't afford to take this extra week off. So, while my husband and children are off gallivanting around the country having fun I am home working. Phooey. I'm going to put in two lonnnng days today and tomorrow though, so that I can then take the rest of the week off and enjoy the remainder of the holiday with my family.

Off now to go put my nose back firmly on the grindstone...

On the bright side of things, we only have one seder night here in Israel. No need to spend 4 hours escaping from captivity in Egypt only to waltz right back into slavery the following night!


Scribbit said...

Oh, tough. I'm picturing the warm sun and vacations and imagining how unfair that is.

Israel just seems like the other side of the world. Gosh, it is :)

Anonymous said...

And Happy Pesach to you, my dear friend. I'm so gald I met you. At least you can take time for a bit of 'air' blogging.

It probably isn't the most comforting thing to thing, but I know of one person who is seriously considering a freelancing career (*smile*)

and I read your posts with admiration and appreciation for your work. I know it ain't easy, but there are for sure definite paybacks. Hard to see though when you wish you could enjoy other things, though.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

I want to say Happy Passover, but I'm not sure that is right? Sorry you have to be working instead of out playing, but hope you make up for it when you get some time off!