School papers, bills to pay, reading lists and "important papers" all vie with children's artwork and an insane number of magnets (I think that odd socks must morph into fridge magnets when no one is looking) for space on the front.

Inside it's all the things that keep a household functioning and keep two cooks happy - 2 kinds of milk, several kinds of yogurt, the strawberry yogurt drinks the kids are both addicted to, a ridiculous number of cheeses both hard and soft, a white bean and tuna salad, vegetables purchased this morning from the greengrocer, all sorts of fresh fruit (except fresh pineapple - that one didn't make it an hour today), a kilo of chicken breasts waiting to be turned into schnitzels later today (coated with those horrible orange commercial bread crumbs instead of nice healthy homemade ones so that said schnitzels can then be placed in the store-bought schnitzel package and thus passed off as mass-produced garbage to my connoisseur children who stubbornly refuse to eat the homemade), various sourdough starters all waiting to have various things done to them at various times, chocolate milk, beer, white wine, a ton of eggs, and all sorts of condiments, sauces, leftovers and other assorted odds and ends.

The freezer is also completely stuffed right now - it holds packages of meat, two kinds of hot dogs, an empty bag of store-bought schnitzels waiting to be filled (see above), cream of eggplant soup saved from a batch I made two weeks ago, 3 tubs of ice cream (all leftover from this year's ICFBD, even after I begged everyone to take them home again. My friends simply cannot be trusted!), two tubs of spreadable butter my husband just bought on sale only to discover that they will shortly expire (hence the freezer), a small loaf of blue cheese bread, a few pitas, and of course "The Door of Flour" (doesn't that sound like the door of doom or something else ominous? It's really quite benign, except for the fact that I'm constantly afraid that the shelf guard is going to collapse under the pressure and all those kilo bags of flour will fall on my feet and then burst in a cloud of floury kitchen devastation).

Now given all of this, why isn't there anything to eat?
Just kidding... Sort of.
Visit Sunday Scribblings to see what others do with their fridge space.
Those brands look oh so familiar! Thanks for the sneak peak and the brief Israeli nostalgia from way afar...It's the little things that do it.
I love this post! You should see my fridge. My mom just doesn't get it...I have TONS of kids magnetic, art projects, pictures, bills, I even have my voter card on my fridge. As well as two magnetic calendars...
My mother never would put anything on her fridge....NOW she does. Her grandbabies artwork...and she now kind of 'gets' why My fridge looks the way it does.
Awesome post!
Wow, your fridge is so organized!! Mine is a mess. And crowded right now as dh has two paint rollers in there while he's painting the bedroom. I can't wait til he gets them out of there....they are taking up all the room!!
I need some more magents on my fridge, all mine are packed away somewhere from when we moved.
I'm so glad I was eating lunch while reading this so I'm not starving now LOL! Your fridge looks like mine...magnets up the wazoo.
Enviously neat and tidy my dear!
I must say that when we first arrived in this country I couldn't figure out why the fridges were so HUGE! But that's America for you.
Since we're in California, it didn't take very long for me to realise why they are indeed so big........because when the summer sun hits in August you can then climb inside your fridge.
Every time we go to the grocery store, we come home and start to think about lunch or dinner, and my husband invariably says, "There's nothing to eat!"
He's like a small child, really, but I know exactly what you mean. Great post!
Have no fear, it's only neat and tidy because we just went grocery shopping today and had to be organized to fit it all in. Give it a day or two and it will be its usual disorderly mess.
Your fridge is very organized. I'm always just throwing stuff in, so every time I open it something falls out. And makes me mad, so I just throw it back in again.
Whimper...oh yum!
More food in there than we have. Course, it's just my wife and I, but there's still nothing to eat. :)
How interesting. My freezer used to be nuts, until my aunt passed down her freezer to us. Having a second freezer has been the best!
So refrigerators full of food, but nothing in the house to eat is a world wide phenomenum!!! We are notorius for saving leftovers and shuffling them around the fridge and freezer for a couple of months and then tossing them out. It is a ritual in our house :-).
p.s. thanks for visiting my blog!
I am with the others, that is amazingly clean.
Mine is a mish mash of STUFF. And I have a chest freezer too. And a full pantry.
Yet the kids always complain that there is nothing to eat.....
Oh this prompt is making me hungry, especially since everyone's mentioning cheese everywhere!
I never saw flour being kept in a fridge - is it a special flour or is it the way you do it?
what a great post. especially the part about the flour in the door...
I wouldn't be surprised if my fridge was so heavy that one day it will crash through the floor boards into the basement. And, I laughed over the 'nothing to eat' comment---I hear ya!
I love how you add pictures! I would add some too, but I'm embarrassed by the random bowls of half-finished food in there. Yours is so neat!
Sounds like home sweet home, thanks for allowing a glimpse inside! Great post!
I so feel your pain! What a well organized fridge you have! Mine is so disorganized that I forget what is in there until it is a science project.
Now, the front of your refrigerator is actually a little scary (lol). It belies the organization of the food within
I'd like a dollar for everytime someone has asked that question, including me, after lugging in the groceries! Great post and loved seeing what a clean and organized fridge looks like.
Thanks for sharing.
I have to say, for as little fridge space as you have left, it all looks very organized. How do you do it??? lol Great post!
And your "nearing seven" post was just beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes, actually, as I'm "nearing 21"...
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Have a great week!
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