Saturday, February 23, 2008

Goodbye my friend

I've just been told that Helena from Thrice-Blessed Momma, an incredible woman I was proud to call friend, has died, less than two years after her husband Andrew passed away. Her 5-year old triplets have now lost both their parents in the space of 2 years.

I was concerned when she suddenly stopped posting after mentioning that she was going for tests for some worrying symptoms, but in my wildest nightmares I never would have thought I'd get a message like this. My heart is broken for her children and family. What a devastating loss. Distance separates us, but please join me in holding them close in our hearts as they say goodbye to their mother tomorrow.

Goodbye Helena, z"l. You touched my life. I'll miss you my friend.


Samantha said...


Thank you for putting this on your page. If you or any of your "Blogging friends" have memories you would like to share with my sister and me it would be greatly appreciated. My sister Meredith and me will be making her blog into a book to put away for Zoe, Madison, and Jonathan.


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Holy shit. What a nightmare!

Definite good thoughts going to those kids. May they have a peaceful life from here on out; they've faced enough as it is.

Phyllis Sommer said...

Baruch dayan ha-emet. I am so shocked. I was wondering why she'd stopped blogging and I'm so sad to hear this is the reason. May her memory be a blessing for her children and her family....may their lives be always full of her wonderful sweetness and may each of them be blessed with her amazing strength. My heart hurts for their loss.

Anonymous said...

How did you know that she died? May she rest in peace. Lately I've been having morbid thoughts related to this like, how will my blog readers know if in case I die. My thoughts are with her young children.

Robin said...

Her cousin Samantha took it upon herself to let all of Helena's blog friends know Grace.

Samantha, I'd like to write something for Zoe, Madison and Jonathan's book. How can I reach you?

Samantha said...


I can be reached via e-mail at Please pass the word.


Fairly Odd Mother said...

Oh, how awful! I'm so sorry for this family and especially the poor children. I hope they are surrounded by lots of family that love them and can help them through this most difficult of times.

I had a friend pass away in November suddenly---I later learned she had a thyroid condition (I saw your friend mentioned this on her blog) but we've never learned exactly why she died. It is truly scary to think that life can end so suddenly for young moms.

Anonymous said...

Baruch dayan emet. This is so sad. It's my biggest fear. Do you know what happened to her? I know she just stopped blogging in october and then nothing. So horribly sad.

Samantha said...

We still do not know many details because of how sudden it was. When I find out more, I will let Robin know.


Anonymous said...

Oh no. Horrible, horrible. I'm so sorry; my prayers are with the family.

Pieces of Me said...

That is so sad. I am sorry for your and her family's loss. Baruch Dayan haEmet. I wish I had gotten to know her blog before. She sounds like an amazing woman. True friends are true spirits indeed.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Oh.

I am speechless.

My deepest heartfelt sympathies to the family and I will be thinking of her children and hoping for a blessed life for them.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, that is horrific. So sorry......

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Very, very sad news. Sending my prayers to her children, her family and friends as they deal with losing someone so precious to them.

Space Mom said...

I am so sorry. Thinking of you and her family....

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh how truly sad......sending her family my thoughts.

Lea said...

Sending my thoughts and love Robin...

Preethi said...

Oh my... this is a nightmare.. .I went and read many of her posts.. she was a gifted writer wasn't she... my heart goes out to the kids she leaves behind.. I hope they are going to be okay.

Shannon said...

Robin, I read this last night and just didn't have the energy to comment. I don't even know this woman and my heart breaks. I was lost in thought about her and her precious children as I drifted off to sleep. I will remember them in my prayers. No child should be parentless at 5 years old.