Monday, February 11, 2008

Laying low today

Or rather wishing I could.

I had a minor surgical procedure done today (no big deal, I'm fine), but it was a bit more "surgical" than I had originally thought and has left me looking and feeling a bit frail and out of balance, not to mention conspicuous. The lesions I'm left with as I heal are worse than what went before, so I'm having trouble remembering that I actually wanted this procedure done. Instead of celebrating I feel more like getting into bed and hiding under the covers for a few hours but I've got a day and evening full of commitments.

Maybe I'll just lie down for a little while...


Shermanim said...

תרגישי טוב!

Nancy said...

Sending good wishes. I hope things heal fast and you are OK.

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh no......sending you my best!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I remember that feeling. It passes, so hang in there.

LaLa said...

I hope you are feeling better soon...sending you good vibes : )

Anonymous said...

Ick. Rest, get help!, and take it easy. I'm sending you virtual peppermint patties and red wine for your recovery. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you will feel better and the wound heal fast. Great time to be in bed and reading a book!

Reiza said...

Oh no! I hope you're feeling better soon.

Cynthia said...

I hope you get some time to rest and heal:)

Anonymous said...

Hope you get to feeling better! Take care of yourself!

Mel said...


I hope you feel better soon


Janet said...

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling & relax and get well soon, k?

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Feel better soon, Robin! ((hug))

L D said...

Oh, I hope you're doing OK!

Anonymous said...

hugs, get well soon.......xxxxxxxx

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Big hugs and hope you have relief from the pain soon!!!

Anonymous said...

forgot to say yesterday, once you've healed, rub lots and lots of vit E oil in to prevent scaring.

Anonymous said...

You cant do that! Not tell me what it is...

How can I send my magical healing vibes if I don't know what for :)

Smootches babe.