Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Doorway with Chimes

Rosh Pina, late December 2008
Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying.


marcia@joyismygoal said...

Oh those colors surprised me and made me smile

Libby's Library said...

These colors are so vibrant...did you photo shop them?

You know, my offer still stands. We have plenty of room for you all, but in the mean time...
my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Nalini Prasanna said...

Looks very vibrant!!

anymommy said...

Gorgeous. I love that blue. It reminds me of Greece - all the doors are this color.

Robin said...

I didn't do much to the colors Libby, just boosted the contrast a bit and lightened the overall photo. They really are that bright and vibrant.

Thanks again for your very sweet offer, and to the others of you who've offered to host us as well. We really are doing okay here. This is my home, I don't plan to leave it, and at this point there's no reason at all to, but if I ever really needed to leave I suspect my mother would be fairly upset if her house wasn't number one on the hosting list ;-).

All of our families are in the US, so we don't have any shortage of American boltholes. Of course the weather in LA in January is an awful lot better than the weather where my parents live in New Hampshire LOL...

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I love it! Keep bringing us the beauty of where you live. We all need more beauty in our lives.

"Sunshine" said...

Robin, these photos are just gorgeous! Stay safe over there...

Cynthia said...

The blues are wonderful!

Twisted Sister said...

The colors inspire me.

Anonymous said...

That's a rather amazing combo of colors.

Many of us here in the U.S. are following the Gaza situation closely, praying for a quick resolution, should such a thing even be possible. Too much war in this world.

Jientje said...

Surprising colours, I love it!

Bonny said...

I love the textures in these photos!! Both photos are really great.

Happy WW :)

Pamela said...

charming, inviting, if a little dingy (giggle)

Amazing Gracie said...

Beauty in a time of trouble! It's always there if we just open our eyes...
My prayers go out to you and yours.

jams o donnell said...

I love the colour of the chimes and the highlights. Great shots. Happy WW

Gattina said...

Looks so beautiful !

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Gorgeous photos, the colors are wonderful...I think the door is perfect. Happy WW! :)

SandyCarlson said...

The blue of the molding and of the chimes is eye catching. Beautiful.

Marsha said...

Beautiful colors! And what architectural character the door has.. the whole building it would seem!

Beth F said...

Wow, wow, wow! I love doorway shots and this one is fantastic. Love those blue bells.

Anonymous said...

Great color and this shot...

Anonymous said...


I just have to say I love your pictures - this one is lovely!

Shannon said...

This is really lovely. I want those chimes!!

InventingLiz said...

Beautiful! That really is a fantastic blue color!

Anonymous said...

i love that blue color! it really pops against the darker wood tones.

catsynth said...

The blue does stand out against the stone and the wood. What a fantastic find.

Hope you all stay safe.

Carol Anne said...

Beautiful. You are so talented!

Mojo said...

Really superb! this looks suspiciously like the door you featured last week sometime... was it the same building? Actually I guess it's the stone and the colors that remind me of it more than the structure itself. (Gotta say, this door looks in much better shape than that one did though!)

And the lighting is just right for the subject.

Well played!

Nancy said...

I absolulely love it!!

Robin said...

It's not the same door, but it is the same block and both building were constructed in the first stage of the town, so many similarities there :).

Lea said...

Those colors!!!!

Anonymous said...

lovely blues they stand out so well!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the colors! It's something about them that's just so striking.

Leora said...

Gorgeous! You really do have a good idea for that particular blue, that Middle Eastern, yad-like (what't the name of the gem?) shade.

I especially like the second one.

Anonymous said...

You are finding some incredible shades of blue. It stands out against the stone quite nicely!