Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dreaming of Italy

Florence - River Arno from the Ponte Vecchio, November 2007

Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying this week.


Jientje said...

Wow!!! I would love to go there!!
We're all starting to miss Summer and Summer holidays, aren't we?

"Sunshine" said...

Perfect reflection. Gorgeous--I'd love to go there someday, as well :)

Dora said...

Like the effects of reflection! Well done. :)

Mojo said...

That... is simply gorgeous. What a perfect mirror. Breathtaking.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! That is postcard material!

Flea said...

Mmm! What a beautiful shot!

Robin said...

sigh, that's all really, sigh...

The frosty tree's outside my window this morning were pretty, but I didn't go out to photograph...I'm a sea/warm kind of girl!

So whst the hell am I doing here?!

Pamela said...

I feel like I could be standing on my head (:

Anonymous said...

me too..will keep on dreaming for now.

By the way, you have a very nice header picture. is that your kitchen island? oh I want to be in your island too!

catsynth said...

Beautiful picture, the symmetry and reflections are perfect. Italy is on the top of my list of countries I still have to visit!

BTW, I also like the new header look. Very contemporary.

Robin said...

Thanks Rocks and Catsynth, that is in fact my kitchen - the "island" in Around the Island :).

Anonymous said...

That's really a nice shot. It's relaxing just to look at it.

jams o donnell said...

How beautiful. I can see why you are dreaming of Florence. Happy WW

Gattina said...

Sometimes it can be a nightmare too, especially when you have family there, lol !

Four-eyed-missy said...

Oh my, very postcard-pretty!! The place looks charming. I, too, would love to go there someday :)

Indrani said...

Beautiful undisturbed moment. It does trigger the brain to dream.

Anonymous said...

Oh now, I'm going to dream about it too! Very nice photo, Robin! You captured the perfect moment.

SandyCarlson said...

I could dream that dream, too!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Robin, what an amazing photo...
beautiful. Who could not want to visit Florence. The history!
Have a great Wednesday!
Eaton. :)

Marsha said...

Beautiful shot... love the way the clouds are reflected in the water!

Anonymous said...

That's one pretty scene! Well captured!

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet shot!
That must have been a lovely trip!
Wish to go to Italy for some shooting, sigh :)

I waited almost two years until I took the step of buying the D300. That's 4 years with a P&S and no loss of interest and love in Photography.
When I started selling my pics in Kuwait (in person) and online, I knew I should take the step.
But it was hubby that finally convinced me :)

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Me too. Did you ever wonder how that bridge stays up with the weight of all that gold on it?

Terri said...

Oh that does look inviting.

Leora said...

When my kids are in graduate school and the dog dies (oh, wait, we don't have a dog, no need to deal with that), my husband and I are going to Italy. No ifs, ands or buts.

Gorgeous photo.

Anonymous said...

Italy is a really a charming place... Hope you get to go there soon!

Warm greetings from Africa!

Shannon said...

Holy gorgeous! I want to jump right into that photo. Great one.

Maureen Hayes said...

Makes me jealous of living in the states! Beautiful capture of a perfect mirror image.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Next time you dream of this beautiful, wonderful place - please take me with you. My dreams are always zany and never include such an incredible view. That photo is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Stunning. Are you sure it's the right way up?!!!!!

Anonymous said...

beautiful! i'm also dreaming of going there someday.

happy ww.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, really beautiful. :)

Kerri Farley said...

What a stunning shot! I LOVE relfections and this has to be one of the best I've seen. WOW!