So who all's out there? Enquiring minds want to know. And so do I. Come on, you KNOW you want to, and if not on International Delurking Day then when?
Seriously folks, I'd love to know who's out there reading and what you like/don't like, what you'd like to see more of, how you found me, whatever you'd like to share. You gotta be in it to win it and all that.
(Hmm... I wonder how many 1970's cliches I can throw into a six sentence post without sending you all running for the hills LOL.)
You don't need ME to delurk, do you?
I had no idea. None. No one tells me anything .. Delurking, I love it!
I hope you and your family are safe from the horrific fighting
Like Susan, I suspect I've long since lost my cloak of lurk.
My suggestion: change nothing. Your honest views of life are what make you such a compelling read. To wit, yesterday's monochrome picture of your daughter. It doesn't get better than that.
It's me!!!
And I love you just the way you are!
Baila here. Came to you through Mom and Leora. I don't always comment, but I really like your blog.
I also want to do a delurking day post on my blog, but I'm scared I'll only get one response and that will be from my mother!
I found you through my daughter, Sunshine. Love your blog just the way it is. I enjoy reading about your family and life in Israel and love the great pictures you post.
Keep safe!
I didn't know this was a real day........I'm not so much a lurker as a fan! :)
Ah yes, and here I am from New Hampshire! Cold and snow covered at present! They say we are in for an arctic freeze by weeks end! Brrrrr!
I saw this on another site, and had no idea that this was "A DAY"!
I never lurk..hee hee. But, seriously, I try to always leave a comment when I drop by.
I found you via Gitz - I'm trying to remember how long it's been. I'm just really glad that I found you.
I'm curious...you said that you where from the south - Where?
I was just trying to remember the other day how I/we found each other... and it was that other island... writer's island wasn't it??? seems like you've been a part of my blogworld forever and I like what you like and seem to not like what you do not like... so keep 'em coming Robin, as I'm usually alurking around somewhere!!!
Just carry on doing just what you're doing. I love the "delurking" graphics. :)
I came via Leora's blog I think and then you visited my blog ...LOL on the delurking day..
I'm not a lurker here but I thought I'd say hi anyway....
I do not remember how I found you site . . . I just did. While I do not consider myself a lurker, I may be a stalker. lol
Anyway, love your blog and insights you have about living in land so many are interested in.
I'm here! (of course!)
I'm delurking from Melbourne, Australia. I have no idea how I got to this blog but I'm glad I'm here! :) I don't really want anything about it to change because I like the mix of photos, kids, life, etc... :)
How great to see everyone :), and thank you all for your kind words. Who else is out there?
Libby, I'm not from the South. I grew up in New York and most of my family now lives in New England.
Lea, I think it was Writer's Island. Seems so long ago, doesn't it?
I try to comment as much as I can so this is not a delurking move. :-)
I love your blog Robin, but it's not like you don't know that yet!
I've never heard of delurking day, though I'm still a bit of a newbie blogger.
I think I found you through Wordless Wednesday. If I remember correctly I was looking for travel blogs and clicked on yours because of the "island" thing. Then I realized you were in Israel, started reading and got hooked. :)
I'm from Pennsylvania, USA.
I love reading what you write and to see all those beautiful photos! Came across your blog through another blogroll but im glad i found you! And your title for the blog is so cool and creative!
Happy DL Day (yeah, I'm late)!
I'm no lurker, although lately I have been a bit slow about getting around to reading blogs.
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