Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Olive Branch in Wind

Because the world doesn't need any more war.
Click to enlarge, then visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying.


Phyllis Sommer said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful yes.

But poignant too.

Jill said...

Phyllis took the words right out of my mouth...

Amen is right.

Amen and Amen.

deedee said...

Shalom Robin :)

Jenn in Holland said...

Absolutely! Wonderful post. Wonderful sentiment.

Gattina said...

I very much agree to that !!
I think the whole world counts on Obama now ! He has something special.

Indrani said...

We all have hopes and blogging helps us connect. What a coincidence we thought on same lines.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the shot. Makes a fine print on my wall for sure..

Beth F said...

Fantastic shot! We can all use more olive branches.

Dora said...

Nice shot. Can see it waving. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, no more war would be so nice...

Mojo said...

Excellent choice. And a marvelous photo! Nice bokeh!
(I'll try not to sneeze thinking about it... olive pollen is the most highly allergenic of all pollens. Little known factoid.)

fraizerbaz said...

Very, very pretty!

lareine said...

what a wonderful shot! and a great metaphor for what the world needs now... olive against the blue sky --- all symbols of peace and harmony...

"Sunshine" said...

I agree! Lovely shot, as well.

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

The shot is beautiful - I love the depth of field. And the symbolism is lovely.

Libby's Library said...

Truer words have never been spoken.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely shot :)

Robyn Jones said...

Hi Robin! I am RObyn too!! LOL!
Love the picture and the sentiment behind it. Couldn't agree more....

Anonymous said...

i like that shot! did you take it?

Robin said...

Yup - that olive branch is attached to a small tree that is growing in a pot on my roof :).

Jientje said...



Claremont First Ward said...

So beautiful......and appropriate!

Anonymous said...

Lovely ... may THIS be the time for lasting peace in our world. My Wordless Wednesday is at Happily Retired Gal, but you might enjoy Monday's post at Sacred Ruminations when time permits.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

I like the blurred background.

Felisol said...

Just beautiful.
From Felisol

Anonymous said...

A beautiful sentiment for these troubled times. Some day... maybe there really will be no more war. At least some major warmongers in the US have been retired.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Robin, Your photo is great, love that you caught motion in it.
And that blue sky is so Israel. I agree with your sentiments too. No more wars...ever! Eaton. :)

Anonymous said...

This is truly an beautiful picture. Love the background blue.

Janet said...

WOW!!! I love this shot, and I never realized how much olive leaves look like sage!

Baila said...


Robin said...

Oh wow, we now have two Robin's and one Robyn on this list! Is spring coming?

I kept seeing your name pop up on blog's that I (try) and keep up with so I had to check you out!

I love it! Beautiful shot of the olive branch, and so timely don't ya think? I got a new Nikon D60 that I'm so excited about...alas, I was used to my Nikon (4004)film camera and haven't had a lot of time to play with mine....but I doubt I could get a shot that beautiful!


Tammie Lee said...

lovely image, I like the movement in it.

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Wow… what great colors and what a great message.