Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunset over the Mediterranean

Taken last Friday in Tel Aviv after an afternoon at a beachside pub.
Not a bad life if you can get it.
Visit Skywatch Friday for other skies from around the world.


Tim said...

You make me homesick for Israel. *sigh* Is there one of those job open? :)

FO - 2 said...

Hello Israel.
This is a lovely scene.
Wonderful sunset.
Hug's from Norway. :)

Phyllis Sommer said...


did i tell you my brother announced that he's making aliyah? yep. (mid-war i might add....not the best timing for telling the parents...)

Louise said...

So golden! It looks quite warm.

Guy D said...

Simply beautiful shot, thanks so much for sharing.

Regina In Pictures

Aline C. said...

Hello from Brazil! Wonderful photo :) This is a lovely scene.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sure is beautiful!

I played this time... I'm not sure what it is, but it's definitely in the sky.

Have a great Friday!


Anonymous said...

This is a golden pictures, beautiful.

Jane Hards Photography said...

A gorgeous flamming orange sky.

Carol said...

Great photo...a beautiful your kitchen...

Paul said...

Hello Israel,

love the pic!

Spent 3 weeks in your lovely country several years ago and loved it! Would love to go back!

Mojo said...

Okay, as weird as this is gonna sound, that sunset actually looks Mediterranean... maybe it's because it's the color of olive oil or something. Hmm... extra virgin sunset... I like it!

Yeah, other than the ever-present chance of having a rocket come through my living room, I could live there...

Glad to hear that there's at least a resemblance of a cease fire for now. Can't help it, you know I worry.

Anonymous said...

I've heard sunsets are a magnificent sight there... I'm witnessing it through your picture :)
Have a great weekend ahead!

Anonymous said...

Lovely golden sunset :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow..I will trade my snow and cold for a day there with a good book..

"Sunshine" said...

That's an incredible shot, Robin!

Suzanne said...

What a wonderful photo its beautiful.
Happy SWF.

Scribbit said...

Not bad at all! I feel warmer just looking at it.

Catherine said...

A pure golden Sky for Today ! You spoil us, Robin. At least, you get Peace !

Jientje said...

I love the dark silhouette of the pub against the golden colour of that sunset. But what makes this picture is the sailing boat in the distance, I think. It makes it look so peaceful ...
Peace to you, Robin.

Leora said...

Golden. Great capture.

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

What a beautiful sunset. So relaxing and peaceful.

Libby's Library said...

Gorgeous - prettier than a sunset on the beach in Florida!

bass said...

Wow,that orange sky is seriously giving us a show. Thanks for sharing this wonderful Tel Aviv sky.

P.S. I like your header photo. Looks neat.

Aline C. said...

Hello from Brazil, again :)
Thanks for visiting my blog and have written good words. In my post I said that "I'm free" because I recovered from two surgeries on my knees. In the last seven months I was using two crutches to walk. Now, my doctor released me to walk alone.\o/
Sorry my English, I'm in intermediate level :)
Take care,

Aline C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kerri Farley said...


Anonymous said...

wow! so pretty. i love the new header/layout. crystal clear shot of the kitchen!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

beautiful it.
have a good weekend.


Robin said...

Stunning...we've got ice storms here..(in the north and midwest) and everyone is all in the panhandle and others would gladly crawl a mile naked for the moisture! It's all relative n'cest pas?

Beautiful photo...everything always seems to work out in the end doesn't it? Despite our wasted enery on worrying?

rickismom said...

Very nice!!

abc said...

Wow, what a beautiful golden sunset. To watch that after an afternoon at a beachside pub. Hard to imagine that here at the moment.