Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Because things were getting too sticky sweet around here

Now don't get me wrong, I love beautiful photos of exotic animals as much as the next person, especially ones as sweet as this one or as wild looking as this one or this one, but lets face it, there have been a lot of animals around here lately. Too many animals. (Obviously my last big photo excursion was to the zoo. It was a great success imagewise but it's time for some variety. This city kid was starting to twitch. )
Enter the illustrious Mary the Teach to the rescue. She decided, and just in time, too, that her Window Views project can now include doors as well, and what do you know, I just happen to have a few of those kicking around in the ol' archives. I have plenty of windows too, but what can I say, I'm feeling the need to live on the edge a little - not a window, not even a door, but rather a doorframe - a mere fragment of a door. Because that rebellious make it my own streak is still alive and well around the old island. (Dear god I've gotten old if simply choosing a slightly off-centered photo is considered rebellion - what happened to all those late nights, sneaking out of my house to go get into whole heaps of trouble meet up with my friends? Now I'm content to rebel by posting an image of a doorframe. Sheesh. At least it's a slightly gritty, graffitied one. Maybe there's hope for me after all. (Then again, maybe not.) I think one day soon I'll have to play hooky and do another serious photowalk around Tel Aviv and feed the muse before she abandons me completely. Anyone want to join me?)
Though now that I look at it, even my supposed gritty door has a series of cute little hearts on it. Ack! I can't get away! The cute, it's winning! Send help! Send me locations of rusty metal, of rotting wood, of old junk, anything for a break from the cute. I'm doomed, doomed I tell you. Next thing you know my blog sidebar is going to fill up with sparkles and unicorns.
Slinking away to go cry in my not at all edgy Coke Zero now...
Oh yeah, and here's the photo. Is anyone even still reading this far down?
Click to enlarge (and just so we're clear - this isn't my door - mine is much more boring)
PS I'm also trying to reawaken the writing portion of my brain, the one that used to have the upper hand on this blog, and then to convince it to play nicely with the photography side. What do you think? Is it working?


Anonymous said...

The writing portion of your brain seems to be in better shape than mine!
Nice to see you in this meme too.

Mojo said...

Well if it helps any... the "heart" at the bottom kinda looks like a pointy devil tail.

But you crack me up. And if you were at least on this side of the ocean I could probably give you locations of all kinds of rusty junk. But I'm not sure if Google Earth can pinpoint that kind of thing on an ordinary browser.

Yaweh deliver us from terminal cuteness.

Auntie E said...

and i thought I was a bad teen,lol. Looks like you were in love with someone. All those hearts, and it's still there... I think I would have painted it out,lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's working. You write well. And I'm a tad jealous as I've been so into photography lately that I can barely string a few words together to make a sentence!

Lew said...

Is a picture still worth a thousand words? Or has that changed with the economy? There is beauty in the common things around us as you have shown us. Someone left an expression of love in symbols - that is worthy of a photo and a post!

ellen b said...

I like this door and the embellishment on the side. :0)
Please just say no to sparkles and unicorns...

quilly said...

I'd love to join you for a photo walk around Tel Aviv. Are you sending plane tickets? ;)

I like the door graffiti. The hearts add the perfect touch.

Robin said...

It's not mine Auntie E, I saw it on a doorway somewhere. My own front door is a bog standard metal security door, just like most people here have. It's ugly, but it works.

SandyCarlson said...

This is a lovely and creative bit of graffiti. My writer side has fallen under the weight of my photos, too. I know the feeling. I have to get back on track! You are an inspiration.

VioletSky said...

I think you did well (yes, I read it all). I usually resort to borrowing quotes to accompany my photos which seems lazy. Please, no unicorns or sparkles, please, please, no.

You could draw your own graffito on your door and make it not so heartsy cute, couldn't you?

Ms. Fiddlesticks said...

I could not figure out if you took the picture then drew on it. I love the aqua color of the door. It looks a little like stenciling done by hand. I really like it.
I love the name of your blog and the description. So cute and catchy.

Runny Babbit said...

nothing wrong with the cutesy! :)

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

There is obviously a story that goes with this heart-embellished door! Whoever drew that has a good sense of line. But I agree with Ellen, just say no to the sparkles and unicorns...

Carolyn Ford said...

I'd be curious to know the story behind this "hearty" artwork...I like the "devils" tail too!

anymommy said...

I read all the way down. Love the photo, as usual. Good for you reading a real honest to goodness book. I read Twilight this weekend. So embarrassing, but I loved it.

MaR said...

Love the color of the door and the decorations...pretty!!

kayerj said...

the door is nice--but please spare us the cute and sparkly in the side-bar. It just wouldn't be you.

moneythoughts said...

What caught my eye were the two hinges so close together at the top of the door. Usually hinges are spaced evenly with one at the top, middle and bottom. This is interesting and I wonder why it was done this way.

As for your writing, I enjoy your style and if I were you, I would not worry about it. You write just fine.

Anonymous said...

Ack! Cutesy hearts! I just can't STAND it!!!

Just kidding. NOT go to my Window Views today to see the Baby Tree Frog. It will push you right over the edge. (grin)

p.s. Very nice--and gritty--door photo.

Jientje said...

I enjoyed your writing as much as I love that door picture. Is it true? Can we post doors now? That's very good news, I love doors even more than windows and I have loads of them!

PS: There is nothing wron with "cute"

Daryl said...

Gritty saves it from cutesy but I have to admit I adore hearts no matter be they cute or gritty

maryt/theteach said...

First I join with Mojo in his comments... Next, I absolutely LOVE this photo, not the whole door frame even. then some lovely graffiti - I won't mention the devil's tail...
I am so glad I inspired you just in time, Robin! And I wish I could join you in Tel Aviv for a walkabout, oh they do that in Australia only right? Loved the pic, loved the post!