Monday, February 1, 2010

Anemones - Spring can't be too far behind!

I'll be away at a conference for the next few days so it will take me a few extra days to make the rounds this week. Enjoy this little taste of Israeli almost-springtime while I'm gone.

Click to enlarge
The sun finally returned and the wildflowers are in full bloom. Better yet, a friend and I played hooky last Thursday and went on a whopper of a photowalk in the fields near her house. We found these anemones (kalaniot in Hebrew, and much beloved), this dandelion, and of course the star of the show, these almond blossoms.
And if you haven't already, after you're done here don't forget to pop by my One World One Heart giveaway for a chance to win an 8x10 of any of the images in my etsy shop.
Then, when you're done with that, head over to Ruby Tuesday at Mary's place for lots more ruby red goodness.


Jasmine said...

Anemones, ghosts of the forest... I love them.

Carolyn Ford said...

Wow! I love these anemones! Beautiful signs of springtime on the horizon!

kayerj said...

they do look so springy :)

Carletta said...

Love the sharp focus of the one beautiful bloom with the subdued background!
Have a great time at your conference. :)

Dina said...

Have a good time away.

Your shkediot and kalaniot shots are wonderful.

EG CameraGirl said...

So these grow wild in Israel? Very cool! I buy the bulbs to grow them in my gardens. ;-)

maryt/theteach said...

I love this shot, Robin! The arrangement of the flowers and the color RED of course. Marvelous center in-focus flower! Thanks for playing Ruby Tuesday! :)

ellen b said...

Great pop of color in anticipation of Spring...

Ralph said...

Lovely wildflowers in ruby look much bigger that their size suggests as they grow adrift in that sea of green. Beautiful days over there, we await the wildflowers around here...

Kim, USA said...

Wow good for you, you've seen colorful wildflowers already. We still are covered with snow so it will take time to see colors ^_^ Happy ruby red tuesday!

My red shoes

Anonymous said...

Beautiful ruby blossoms ... bringing hope ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Maribeth said...

Have a great time!

Leora said...

So pretty - what a flame of color. Like something out of a Monet painting. Now you have me singing "kalaniot, kalaniot..."

EJ said...

Lovely looking flowers.

Our Mini Date

Jama said...

Gorgeous flowers!

The Cunning Runt said...

Nice - I'm gettin' ready for Spring!

Paz said...

Lovely red!


Jael said...

Anemones are so beautiful just now:-)

Diann said...

Stunning color! Come on spring!! :)

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

and here I am desperately waiting for Autumn to arrive!

Marice said...

thats really lovely Robin! have fun at the conference :)

u may view mine here

Marites said...

they look so delicate and at the same time, vivid! love the shot. Happy RT!

Stephanie V said...

Beautiful red anemones. Such nright spots of color on the green. Nice photo.

Chie Wilks said... lovely red's good that the flowers in your area started to bloom now..

mine's here

Daryl said...

My favorite flowers! Lovely and making me wish spring were closer here .. tonite we are due snow ..

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I love anemones. So pretty!

Sherri said...

Oh to see flowers!? We are covered in snow..Thanks for sharing yours!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Beautiful Ruby Flower Pics!

Snooze said...

Beautiful flowers and great 'valentine's' related theme.

Patti said...

Ah, these rubies offer us the promise of spring someday!

It snowed overnight so seeing these delicate anemones is a lovely change of pace from all this white.

Happy belated Ruby Tuesday, Robin. Hope the conference is fun and educational. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday... and Wordless Wednesday, Robin!

You weren't forgotten :) Look forward to your return...

Mine is dedicated to my sister, today. A candle in the window of life.

Batya said...

Yes, this is the season. What a wonderful Ruby Tuesday picture.