Friday, December 1, 2006

I believe in gentle discipline, I believe in gentle discipline, I believe in gentle discipline...

And it's a damn good thing, or my son would be having a VERY bad day right about now.

Every single button I've got has been pushed today, and I have HAD it. The defiance, the talking back, the violent language, the entitlement... Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!! I have no freaking clue what has set off this latest round of beastly behavior, but by god it is going to stop. It's bad enough that Israeli parents tend to accept standards of behavior (or lack thereof) that make me cringe when looking at it from outside, I absolutely will not accept it in my own kid.

Ok, it's an hour later and we've all calmed down again. DH and I had a major talk with Itai, and it seems like at least some of it got through, for now anyway. We've kissed and made up and I've just finished reading him a chapter of "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe", and am now sitting here typing one-handed while sitting next to his bed while he falls asleep. It's a good thing he can't read yet, though I suspect from all the snoring going on that he wouldn't be paying attention anyway...


Kim said...

Oh I sypmathize with you so much! O has been hiorrible lately, dh and I are about at the end of our ropes. I think I'm going to get a book or something. Of course today he's been mostly good. Hopefully Itai's improvement will last *hugs*

Terri said...

Honestly, as bad as I feel for you going through this with him, I am glad to see I am not alone. Diva has been terrible lately and I have been feeling like such a crappy parent, wondering where I went wrong.

She's a good kid, but the attitude that oozes out of her, I was not expecting until she was at least 16!

Space Mom said...

This morning was one of those days. I lost it. Luna refused to wear her shoes(too tight!) so I asked her should we throw them out? She said yes, so I did. Then she ran after me screaming for the shoes!
Slam head into a wall!

Hang in there!

Yvette said...

Robin, you don't know me, but I found your blog through a friend's (Lisa and Oliver). I just started reading it from the beginning and I'm really enjoying it. I look forward to the rest!