Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Just sitting here starving

I'm starving, but can't seem to get it together enough to get off of this chair and go the 4 feet to the refrigerator to find some lunch. Part of it is that I'm stuck into a fairly complicated and nit-picky work project, and part of it is just (lack of) inertia. Either way, I'm hungry and this is getting silly.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.


Terri said...

I do the same thing with wanting water at night or having to use the bathroom. I'll lay in bed and think about it, to lazy to just go and do it. And while I stress about it, I'm staying awake. If I'd just go do it, I could go back to sleep!

Kim said...

My deal is using the bathroom! I'll sit at my computer and wait and wait. That's not so great at work when a customer comes in LOL!

Yvette said...

I'm NEVER too lazy for food....