Thursday, September 20, 2007

Call it serendipity

You'll never guess what happened after I posted about not wanting to go the gym. I did in fact manage to drag myself over there (I try really hard to go at least times a week) only to discover that they were in the midst of a power failure! It was surreal, quite dark with hulking shadows of machines and only the quiet whirring of the few cross-trainers (do you call them elliptical machines in the States?) being used by people too stubborn busy to come back another time.

Since my mp3 player is temporarily dead and the power failure meant no tv a cardio workout would have meant staring out into the blackness for 45 minutes. I couldn't quite face that so I just did a full circuit on the machines instead. The only people there, other than little old me, were obviously serious fitness buffs. There was none of the laughter and joking around you'd expect (except occasionally from the staff). All you heard were weights being placed and the occasional grunt. It was very odd. Also, I don't know if it was the dark, the quiet, the lack of music in particular, the lack of a/c or what, but the workout itself was pretty damn difficult. It shouldn't have been, I've been doing it for ages, but somehow without anything to focus on but the task at hand it felt a lot tougher.

Seems that's what I get for griping about not wanting to go. And to top it all off, I now have to go back tomorrow to do the cardio bit.



Anonymous said...

doesn't life just throw you curveballs sometimes...and to think, you could have been taking a nap instead!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I just got back from the gym! When our power goes out, people panic. The gym gets PITCH BLACK. No one works out like that.

Still, two days in a row -- it's good for you, babe. Think of it that way. Think of the favor you're doing your body.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

"All you heard were weights being placed and the occasional grunt. It was very odd."
LOL! Very surreal.

Anonymous said...

Too funny--but I admire your persistance...I'm getting lazier and lazier by the day.

LaLa said...

Ha ha...yeah, bad karma. At east you went..I am a lazy bones : )

Sparky Duck said...

Concentrating on just the workout has got to be the worst part. Kudos for you.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

My list of things I'd rather do than go to the gym could run into the triple digits! But, I'm impressed that you could work out in the dark!

Jen said...

You're awesome. Weight rooms intimidate me. I like to go during geriatric hour.

Jo said...

I would have slunk straight home LOL.

Scribbit said...

I've been so proud of myself for going back to the stair master after my long summer absence. Makes me feel so darn powerful :)

Anonymous said...

Yes! Good for you! It feels a little bit good though yes? I've been a walking machine myself and I'm loving it. Now if only I could quit my nightly threesome with Ben and Jerry. *sigh*

Robin said...

I did in fact make it back in today (Friday) and did a full 45 minute cardio workout. I'm beat now.

And yes Darcy, it always does feel good afterwards, it's just the "before" and sometimes the "during" that gives me trouble.