Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Imaginary Life

My imaginary life has taken many twists and turns over the years.

The first significant chapter began at age 10, when I decided to join the Peace Corps and move to Africa (that one ended soon after when my mother informed me about living conditions for your average Peace Corps volunteer in Africa). Later, I did an complete about-face and wanted to grow up, live in Manhattan (the promised land that I could only vaguely see from the haze of the suburbs), carry a briefcase and "go to meetings". I would work in "international business". This future was nothing if not well planned out.

Later my imaginary life involved following the Grateful Dead up and down the East Coast. Oh wait, that one was real. It's just a little dreamlike and the details are more than a little fuzzy.

When I got to college and met my husband we soon began imagining a life together - in Israel. That one my parents wish had just been imaginary, because Tel Aviv is so very far away from the suburbs of New York City.

I later found myself actually living in Israel, working in international business, going to meetings (with briefcase in hand!), traveling abroad to do "very important things", the whole nine yards. And it wasn't quite as I'd imagined it.

I began to imagine a different sort of life. One that involved children, and didn't involve endless hours on countless airplanes. I held on to the corporate job for a while, in fact, I spent most of my first pregnancy working in Turkey, but I learned to downsize, to say no.

As I grew in my own journey, I began to imagine new and different paths - a second child, a new career, an opportunity to work from home.

I still wonder sometimes about the life I might have had had I pursued some of these other paths, and I still fantasize about the life I could have if money wasn't a factor. (I was born to be a wealthy jet setter, if my tastes are any indication. Too bad my pocketbook doesn't match my proclivities.)

At the end of the day though, I sit and look out at the life I do have, and smile. Because I know I wouldn't want it any other way.

Visit the new Writers Island for more glimpses into imaginary lives.


Rob Kistner said...

Wow -- what a life you've lived so far... ;) You're likely living the life someone else is only imaging.

Thank you for coming to Writers Island. I look forward to writers discovering the island and seeing this grow -- if that is to be.

Robin said...

You know, it always somehow suprises me when someone sees my life as exotic or somehow exciting. To me it's just my life. Home is where the mortgage is and all that...

Thanks for hosting - as I said earlier, I'm really looking forward to watching this grow and take on a life of its own.

patti said...

It is interesting to think about what might have been. I enjoyed reading this - you sound happy with the real life you dreamed up.

Jo said...

Yep, that's quite some life! I'm off to write about mine because, cheek of it, real life intruded this morning!

paisley said...

what an event filled life you have had... you have been very lucky to achieve such beautiful culmination of your dreams.....

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtful post. You want all sort of things but when it gets to the basics, we are really happy with our lot.

LaLa said...

Great read. Isn't it amazing the paths we think we should be on and how we are somehow led down the path that is meant for us. Being a Mommy is the best path I have been on yet... : )

Oh..got any pics to post from our Grateful Dead days ???

Regina said...

I think sometimes when we look back at our life we don't see how varied and exciting it was, really. I think what a lot of us imagine when we are young somehow always comes true in one way or another!
I liked this very much- and Israel is my next country on the list to visit!

Cherie said...

Thank You for treating us to a glimpse of your fabulous life - hope we hear more!

Janet said...

Do you miss the smell of patchouli? ;-)

Gill said...

I agree with Rob, you are living a very interesting life! You have also followed the Grateful Dead. You have lived!

Tumblewords: said...

We are lucky to be able to dream and to alter those dreams when they need altering. An exciting life you portray here - but your now sounds wonderful.

Lea said...

Such a journey, finding that place that makes your heart smile... and I am so happy that you took your path to your heart!

Tammy Brierly said...

What an exciting life you got to live and how wonderful your real life has been more than you could have ever imagined.:)

Anonymous said...

seems like you'd a very successful life. And achieving your dream too. Your children is the prizes for all that hard labour. Enjoy life. You've earned it :)

Pauline said...

isn't it wonderful when we can dream and then live the dream. You're leading a very interesting life!

rel said...

I see life in two parts; The life we imagine and work to make a reality, and the life we relax in and enjoy for it's unrealness that we can manipulate ad lib.
You have mastered both very well and I'm glad to hear that you are satisfied with the choices you've made.

Robin said...

Not a bit Janet, not a bit. Always made me cough LOL.

Deb said...

Funny how we become used to our context.

My husband loves Israel (he went for the first time last year). If we had the money we'd like to be bi-coastal :^) in a big way.

Nice kitchen, BTW! I like your island!

Anonymous said...

You've had a lot of experience, and you seem to know how to make your dreams come true. Adorable kids!

Jessica said...

I love how the dream life has changed for you and how you've molded it to fit your needs, as you mature. I love your line "..it wasn't quite as I'd imagined it." Ain't that the truth?

Anonymous said...

Glad you feel that way~ I like my life too!!

Clare said...

Hi Robin! I really enjoyed reading this -- thank you for sharing your journey. I see that you live in Israel -- I've been there 3 times, most recently last year. I really love it there.