My children are beyond their breastfeeding years so I cannot participate directly in the League's upcoming cyber nurse-in at 10:00 on 10 October, but I've done the next best thing. I sent them these pictures of me nursing Maya while we were boating on the Hudson River during a trip to the States and an earlier one of Itai nursing on an Israeli mountaintop for inclusion in the virtual nurse-in. (Sorry they're so small, for some reason I'm sure was completely unrelated to censorship I had trouble uploading them.)
I've also deleted my Facebook account permanently in protest and explained exactly why on the delete request form. (Not that I ever used it anyway, but it's the gesture that counts here.)
Visit the League of Maternal Justice's website to see how you too can help, either by participating yourself or just by helping to spread the word.
LC and proud mother of two breastfed and gently-weaned children (well, Itai was. Maya weaned herself very traumatically (for both of us) at 18 months when she contracted hand foot and mouth disease and was in too much pain to nurse, but we had a good run while it lasted.)
LC and proud mother of two breastfed and gently-weaned children (well, Itai was. Maya weaned herself very traumatically (for both of us) at 18 months when she contracted hand foot and mouth disease and was in too much pain to nurse, but we had a good run while it lasted.)

Go Robin! I'm going to do my best to participate with Little Bit, but may also send in pics of the older 2!
I'm not participating because I'm not a member of Facebook or any other "social networking" site. They all remind me of the awful cliques I strive to avoid in real life. Plus since I run my own website I don't have to worry about such stupid censorship rules.
Here are some lovely photos my son took of my BFing my daughter last year. I can't do the virtual BF either as both kids are now weaned (they both self weaned at 9 1/2 months).
I love your blog; this post is great. I don't have children myself and hopefully when we do, I don't know that I'm breastfeeding material, however I certainly support women who do. It's the most natural, and healthiest way to feed babies, not to mention protect them with maternal antibodies via breastmilk. It's encouraged by WHO for heaven's sake! The world has gone mad.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
yay - go you!
I am definitely in! I will delete my facebook as well because I never use it. My daughter did not have a drop of formula milk at all. I breastfed her until she was 22 months. If I have another child, breastfeeding is the only way for me.
Those are wonderful photos, Puss. Would you consider sending them in as your participation? That's what I did since I'm no longer breastfeeding myself.
Mrs. W - you're very welcome, and it's great to see you here too. I love when people delurk.
Grace and anyone else who plans on deleting your Facebook account - when you delete it it asks for a reason. If you check "other" you can then specify that it is because of this.
How ludicrous. Really.....
Oh My Gosh, I had NO idea this was going on with Facebook. I am a huge advocate of breastfeeding. I breastfeed ALL 4 of my babies for a grand total of 98 months. With the longest just being shy of 3 years. And the shortest for 15 months.
Wow, I am shocked. I am going to delete my facebook account as well.
Robin, that you SO very much for posting this or I wouldn't have had absolutely ANY idea....
I will have to see if I can find some pictures of myself nursing...
That's craziness! It's so completely messed up that breasts are OK when in a totally sexualized (ie scantily clad girls) context but in a loving, nurturing context they aren't acceptable. Shame on Facebook.
I may participate if I remember to get some nursing pics taken. I don't have any right now.
Good going! It almost makes me want to relactate! I wish I had taken more photos of me nursing, especially when my kids were toddlers. And, I've deactivated my facebook account too.
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