Sunday, September 2, 2007

First Day of School

Itai, who NEVER wants to wake up, practically leapt out of bed this morning, and was dressed and ready to go 10 minutes early. Of course we forgot to give him a banana to eat to start him off since we're all used to the kids having breakfast in school and then lost his water bottle on the way to school, but we stopped at the bakery downstairs for a first day of school croissant instead and then at a kiosk for a replacement water bottle, so all was well. Other than those minor hiccups everything went beautifully. We got to school on time, he said hello to friends who'd already arrived, found his seat, arranged for his good friend to sit in the empty seat next to him instead of across the table (dealmaking starts early in Israel), and was all set to get started. He's got an excellent teacher and a nice looking group of classmates, including a number of good friends, so we're all feeling pretty good about this whole school caper.

Here's our first grader all set to go (not too excited, is he LOL?):

Sitting in his classroom:

And here's Maya on her first day. You'll note that she seems decidedly less ready. Yes, you guessed it, she's still running a high fever and will be missing her first day of school. I'm hoping she can make it in tomorrow, but right now it's not looking good. Poor kid...


Jo said...

He looks chuffed to little mint balls (don't ask, I don't know LOL). I'm so pleased it went so well!!! Poor Maya, hope she's all better soon!

Robin said...

And you just know I was going to ask LOL. What an expression!

Anonymous said...

Hope the little one gets better soon! Some more bedtime and snuggle-up-to-mommy time and she will be up and about in no time. I know she is sick and all but she looks so cute in that photo!

LaLa said...

Hope Maya is feeling better soon! Glad he had a good first day..too cute

Anonymous said...

Poor Maya :-(

But - WOW! What a wonderful first day for the big guy!! I *love* that smile :-)

Pieces of Me said...

What a great post. I hope Maya gets better soon. Itai looks really happy and excited. Love that smile.

Mel said...

WTG Itai - so glad the first day went so well!

Hope Maya is feeling better ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Your son looked adorable for his first day! You can just see the pride and excitement in his smile. I"m sorry your daughter is under the weather and wasn't able to go! That stinks!
I love your blog!
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Awwww, your poor little girl! But I love the smile on your son. That is one happy guy!

Kim said...

Poor little upset to be going to school! LOL what a great smile, he's adorable.

Big hugs to Maya! Hope she feels better soon :(

Jen said...

How did I miss that we both have 1st grade sons? Am I that dense? LOL!
Hope Maya feels better soon! Poor kid, she's been too sick this summer.

deedee said...

He does look happy!
Our first day is tomorrow.

TnMomTo3 said...

He does look a little bit excited, doesn't he? :)

Hope he's still enjoying school! :)

Poor Maya!

Anonymous said...

Those are the cutest pictures ever!! Poor Maya--hope she gets to feeling better soon!

soccer mom in denial said...

Lot's of first days going on! Nice to know someone else's son practically ran out the door.

I hope little lady is feeling better now.