Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My life in a (very small) nutshell

A few weeks ago Angie tagged me for the six word memoir meme, where you have to sum up your life in just six words, which I might add is an awful lot harder than it looks. I've been pondering it on and off since then, and after much deliberation and hand-wringing I've come up with this:

Family and friends keep me strong.

I'm not traveling this path alone. I may not know what is around the next bend but I know that whatever it is, good or bad, I won't be facing it alone. I know that I will be wrapped in a blanket of love and support. I know that my family and my wonderful, wonderful friends both outside and inside of my computer will be right there rejoicing in my joys and crying with me over my sorrows. All of you, you make me strong. You keep me strong. I couldn't do it without you. Thank you.

Now I'm going to throw this one out to all of you prolific writers out there. Who wants to take up the challenge of summing up their entire life in just six words? Post your entry and come let me know in the comments. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.


Anonymous said...

WOW! That says it all, doesn't it? What a challenge, and I don't know if I could ever do that. I'll think on it, though. This statement doesn't tell me anything I didn't know about you already. But, you know that you keep your friends strong, too. Your kind support of other people is one of my favorite things about you (other than your excellent writing).

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Six words? Ahhhhh, let me see what I can dream up, and I'll let you know. . .

Julia Phillips Smith said...

That's a wonderful sum up of you, Robin.

Here's mine:

Safe harbor. Sturdy shoulder. Big laugh.

Claremont First Ward said...

This is a wonderfully concise sum up! I'm so glad you played along!

Batya said...

great post

Six perfect words.

Robin said...

I love yours Julia. So perfect, and so you.

Phyllis Sommer said...

great six words. i have seen this meme around and have been mulling it over for a while but i'm not quite done yet...

Anonymous said...

i usually only keep it short when i'm hungry and desperate for food. something like "hungry. need sustenance. feed virginia now." :)