Thursday, May 1, 2008

TT - Dream Jobs

I didn't see the alphabet theme until after this was written but I figured what the hell, I've never been all that great at following instructions anyway.
13 jobs I'd love to have:

1. Wealthy lady of leisure (a girl can dream, can't she?)
2. Wealthy retiree (notice a theme here?)
3. Travel writer
4. Restaurant critic
5. Menu developer
6. Editor for anything more interesting than what I'm doing now
7. Freelance writer with large backlog (no sense leaving things to chance now)
8. Blogger extraordinaire - one of the few who are actually making a living from blogging
9. Stay-at-home mom without the huge cut in income that would entail
10. Professional vagabond long-term traveler
11. Buyer for a high end housewares/design store
12. Photographer (with the commensurate skills)
13. Staff lactation consultant at a salary I could afford to accept
What would your dream job be?

Visit the Thursday Thirteen hub to see what everyone else is counting this week.


Chelle Y. said...

I want to be #1 too! :)

Anonymous said...

I think I'd enjoy several of those. I'm not sure how good a stay at home mom I'd be though. As for my own dream job, I scan the vacancies every day for "Elderly billionairess with no relatives seeks intelligent companionship in her twilight years" but so far without success.

anthonynorth said...

Some of those would be right up my street. An excellent list.

Sandee said...

Well, I'm a lady of leisure and retired, but not wealthy. Love your list. Hope #1 comes true for you. Have a great TT. :)

SJ Reidhead said...

Don't worry. I never follow directions, either.

Let me know if you can't get on The Pink Flamingo.


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I know! You can edit ME! Would I be less boring than what you're currently doing?

Btw, being a wealthy retiree is boring.

Janet said...

well, #12 would be my dream job, closely followed by #s 1, 2, 4, 10, or 11 :-)

SandyCarlson said...

Good for you on 8!

Anonymous said...

I would love being a high end housewares buyer!

Great List Robin!

Happy TT!

Claremont First Ward said...

I like the wealthy lady of leisure. But I love almost all of your answers. I'd suck as a lactation consultant though! :)

Anonymous said...

I want to be a professional comic reader... ;)

Lost Hemisphere's 13th T13: Reality through a very special pair of eyes

Jill said...

Ooo can I be #1 too? I love your taste in dream jobs!! :)

Happy TT!

L^2 said...

I want to be a photographer, but blogger extraordinaire sounds like a pretty good plan B. :-)

Meju said...

Your list sounds good to me! How about Hawaiian hammock tester?

Bethany said...

I would LOVE to be a travel writer...seriously, how amazing would that be? Happy TT!

Joyful Days said...

I would be willing to try those.

Phyllis Sommer said...

great list. i particularly like 1 & 2, of course. my dream job: owning a b&b... although i think these days i'd settle for sahm. on the other hand, i do like the job i have....

Anonymous said...

Sigh...if I knew what my dream job would be, I could work towards it. Even the lady of leisure job. ;)

Dane Bramage said...

I'd either want to be an international man of mystery or filthy rich idol of millions. Or a fireman.(The boy in me is still alive and well thank you!)
This week is my Thursday Thirteen #78. It is unthemed but I think it is still good. 13 things I might get with my incentive check Stop by if you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, are you playing the lotto?? Any wealthy relatives about to kick off? ;)

Robin, you sound so tired. No one as industrious as you would be happy with any of these jobs - except the last one.


How was passover? I hope everything is going well!

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I looove your # 9 the most!
But if that's possible I'd love to be # 7, too...

Love this post!

Anonymous said...

Those all sound like dream jobs to me.
Especially #3, and 4. I'd like to travel the world, and giving reviews of all the restaurants I've eaten at.

Happy Thursday Robin.

Lilibeth said...

I don't know that I could find a job that I enjoy more than mine. Of course more pay would always be nice, but I wouldn't want it at the expense of my students because tuition is high enough for them already. Then I compare myself with so many people in the world and I just want to give it all away. I do think, though, when I'm older, I'd be happier with half the hours. I hope your job gets dreamier for you though.

Unknown said...

Ah... to be a wealthy lady of leisure. Pedicures, manicures, spa facials, and shopping at Neiman Marcus for me! While driving around in my sporty BMW, of course.

Ingrid said...

I am lucky ! those wishes are behind me, now I am a nearly wealthy retired old leisure lady, lol !

Lori said...

Great list but I think I like #1 the best:) Me too, Me too!! Happy TT and thanks for stoping by.

Ivanhoe said...

I'm with you on the traveler, photographer and yes, the wealthy lady and/or retiree. Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be a photographer...

Anonymous said...

Getting paid well for the top seven, some of which I do sometime. Otherwise, lets just do what we love and forget the money part. I do relate to your list, sounds like one I would write.

Head Gaggler said...

Oooh those sound like fun. Restaurant critic and photographer at the top of my list!

Denise Patrick said...

I'll take #1, too, but since I can't, I'll take author as my best job. Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who would probably come to dislike it once it became a "job". I would also love to be a professional seamstress. I love sewing, but I have my limits.

Thanks for visiting my TT!

Anonymous said...

Love #1!

Anonymous said...

My dream job is any of these on the list!! Seriously, these are all great :)

Shelley said...

Oh, I love my job. Wouldn't trade it for any other. Of course, it would be nice if someone were to start paying me to do it. Is that too much to ask? I'd say about $495K would come close to doing it.

Laura Paxton said...

I am finally doing one of my dream jobs...I work at home as a medical transcriptionist. I also want to be a midwife, a doula or a lactation consultant. GREAT LIST!!

pussreboots said...

Good luck with your goals! happy TT.

Anonymous said...

i'm with you on the traveling and the photography! :)

myrtle beached whale said...

Great list. I am on board with the ones that require no skill, training, or effort.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your list, mine is up at 13 Secret Muslim Tee-Shirt Slogans

Minkydo said...

Interesting list :)

storyteller said...

Lots of us ignored this particular prompt and apparently don’t follow rulez well either. Intriguing list of potential positions … I’m happily retired though anything but wealthy … and fortunately I’m okay with that. I'm trying to simplify my life and no longer desire a ‘job’ of any kind ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Darla said...

My daughter's dream job is to be a travel writer, too.

Anonymous said...

I want #1 and #2 so that I cna do #10 or learn the skills for #12.

That aside, making enough writing for it to be my full time job is my current dream. Being paid for my writing was my first dream and that came true, so now I just have to give the second one time to catch up. *grin*

Happy Thursday Robin


Lucy said...

great list! I guess wealthy is a top priority! haha

Robin said...

Only a priority because of the fun it would allow me to have without worrying about how to pay for it. I don't need fabulously wealthy, comfortable would be fine.

deedee said...

I would take anyone on your list except maybe the lactation consultant...I could have used one of those btw...but most of all I'd like to be a great and wealthy writer!

Anonymous said...

I'd love any of these jobs.

Zee said...

Too late for the lactation consultant opening. I must say I snagged a pretty good dream job in real life. I think I'd like to be a personal buyer for a wealthy person who likes to travel. Or maybe acamp counselor at a private island resort for adults. OR... a traveling therapist, you know... have couch will travel.. sort of a Prosac Paladin.

Nice idea!

Anonymous said...

I could do #10- Professional vagabond long-term traveller. What a dream that would be!

Great T13- I enjoyed it! Mine's up at:

Cynthia said...

If I can't have #1, I'd go for an Illustrator...I'd love to be able to make a living doing that:)

Anonymous said...

I always say "Independantly Wealthy." Actually, most of the ones on your list would work for me. I am actually a professional blogger, but that's not saying much.

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I would love to make a living at writing period. This Blog 365 thing is motivating me to at least think about being a better writer.

Karen said...

Number 1 sounds right down my alley.

Redheels said...

Loved your list. Anything that deals with money, travel and food are great for me.

Anonymous said...

Happy T13! Great list - I wouldn't mind some of those jobs either :) Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Cool list ... any chances they might happen? There is nothing cooler than getting your dream huh. I, for one, don't quite like my job ... and also, don't quite get it. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Professional sleeper...

C'mon you know I would say something like that :)

Malcolm said...

My dream job would be to earn a living with my blog. Not only would I get to write about something I love (pop culture), but I'd get paid for it too!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

I'd like to give advice but not on anything too heavy. And, I'd like to give the advice from the comfort of my home. So that I don't actually go out and schmooze with people.

Either that, or a dog babysitter.

Shannon said...

Love this list! I have a long list of dream jobs too. Many come right off of your list. May have to borrow the idea someday!