Friday, May 2, 2008

Playing ostrich

Just thought I'd share a few of my latest efforts. I took these this morning.

Chive flower from my herb garden (which is surprisingly undead!)

Pomegranate flower - these are so crinkly, in a case of life imitating art they always remind me of tissue paper flowers

Think a good thought for me, would you? I've got a lot going on which I'm studiously ignoring by taking and posting photos, but a major chunk of my future is hanging in the balance today.


Leora said...

Lovely. I'm reading your blog instead of the long list of things I need to do today. Understand the urge to photograph nature!

Anonymous said...

oh! i like those! pretty!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

That is the first ever pomegranite flower I've ever seen. I'll be. It's gorgeous!

As for the hiding stuff... you know where I am. You know I'll do whatever I can to help you through this. Change is scary, but oftentimes, it's good. Huge hugs -- and that's Trevor's hand on your ass, not mine.

Janet said...

I've never seen a pomegranate flower before, how beautiful!

If you want to talk, you know where to reach me :-)

Claremont First Ward said...

More than lovely!

Momisodes said...

Those look gorgeous! I've never seen a pomegranate flower before. Very lovely :)

Anonymous said...

They both look so delicate and lovely. I have never seen a pomegranet flower either.

Good luck with everything!

Lilibeth said...

wow, I love that peachy orangy one--the pomogranate flower. It's amazing.

Kim said...

Beautiful flowers Robin, I've never seen a pomegranate flower.

Hope things go well with your situation *hug*

L^2 said...

Beautiful shots! I've never seen a Pomegranate flower before. It looks like you're really enjoying that new camera.

And I hope everything works out all right for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh hon. Best wishes coming your way. I hope things clear up today. :)

Irene said...

Lovely pictures!

Hope everything works out for you.

Take care!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Ooooo, your flowers (and your photo-taking skills) are lovely!!