Thursday, May 29, 2008

TT - Uncooked Stirfry

Necessity is dictating my list this week. Here are 13 ingredients I have prepped and ready to go for the stir-fry dish I'm trying to cook for dinner tonight. Only catch is that Maya still hasn't fallen asleep so I can't go do it yet. In the meantime, Jay HAS fallen asleep as he put Itai to bed and I'm nodding off here myself. This doesn't bode well for dinner...

1. Multi-color noodles (I'd wanted fried rice but we're completely overstocked on noodles right now and I needed to whittle down some bulk in the pantry.)

2. Leftover cooked meat

3. Broccoli

4. Carrots

5. Oyster mushrooms

6. Green beans

7. Cashews

8. Fresh corn

9. Freshly grated ginger (or at least it was a few hours ago)

10. Garlic

11. Scallions

12. Assorted sauces (soy, hoisin, black bean and garlic, mirin, etc.)

13. Cornstarch and water for thickening


Update: She did eventually fall asleep, but by then Jay was a lost cause so I ended up with dinner for one. Better luck next time.

Visit Thursday Thirteen to see what everyone else is counting this week.


Tink said...

I would have loved to eat such a yummy dish with you!
Thanks for visiting my deity TT.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those Cashews will "make" this dish!

anthonynorth said...

Now you've got to stay awake to enjoy THAT.

Anonymous said...

Mmm scallions...

CaptainSpud takes over the Lost Hemisphere to look at cards that haven't been broken yet

Hootin Anni said... you've gone and done it to me. My mouth is watering! When do we eat?!!! I'm there!!

My T 13 is shared, stop by, won't you?

pussreboots said...

Sounds good. Happy TT.

Chelle Y. said...

I am hungry now. :)

Shannon said...

sounds nutritious and delicious! Sorry everyone konked out on you!

SandyCarlson said...

Garlic and scallions make the world go round! I hope you got a chance to eat it!

Anonymous said...

It still sounds delicious, even if it was a bit late.

Janet said...

so you don't feed the kids? ;-)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Mmmm. Maybe I need to come with the Tour Manager and we can cook up a storm! Or better yet, let's let the boys do the work!

storyteller said...

Sounds like a yummy dish to me ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Except for the cashews it sounds yummy! (nut allergy)

Happy TT.

Lori said...

You lost me at broccoli and oysters...yuck!! lol...Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

Wow - that sounds really good. When shall I come over? ;)

How are things going? I do hope you are doing well! ((hug))

Happy TT

Tammy said...

It sure sounds yummy, did you enjoy your dinner for one? Happy TT

SJ Reidhead said...

That's the only kind of a meal I can successfully cook. I would have thrown in celery.

The Pink Flamingo

Meju said...

Sounds Yummy!

Coco said...

Sounds lovely! Yum. yum.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had oyster mushrooms in ages. We did eat stir fry tonight. I put in too much ginger.

Robin said...

It's the next day now, and I just finished eating a bowl of very tasty cold noodles for lunch. I think it was actually better cold than when I ate it hot last night, or else my taste buds were just asleep by that point.

Janet - nope, we don't feed the kids. My kids wouldn't touch this with a 10-foot pole!

Susan - you really should join him!

Lori - it was oyster mushrooms, not actual oysters. Those I don't think would have gone at all.

SJR - in the winter so would I, but celery is way out of season here right now.

So who's joining me for leftovers?

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

Sounds delicious - I'm not familiar with oyster mushrooms.

EHT said...

It sounded good, at least. Better luck next time.

Toni said...

Sounds good! Have any leftovers for me? :)

Ann said...

It sounds delicious. I love cashews. :)

Anonymous said...

Yumm! You can cook for me any time!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Yumm I am coming over for some since it is just a quick jot to your place:)

Darla said...

Oh, that sounds good! Perfect for a warm evening.

Anonymous said...

That sounds yummy. It's not yet noon here so starting to get hungry - thanks. :) Happy TT

Mia Celeste said...

You're making me hungry. Happy TT!

Qtpies7 said...

I am so glad my kids are older now, they take turns cooking, so I only cook once a week!

Anonymous said...

okay so i hope you stayed up to cook this wonderful sounding meal--because i'm coming over for dinner! :)

Wylie Kinson said...

Pretty much what I use in my stir-fry, but the cashews -- BRILLIANT. I'm trying it next time :)

Phyllis Sommer said...

this is too funny...glad you go to eat it even if it was alone...