Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Maya

Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying.


Mariposa said...

She is so cute! Happy WW!

Carletta said...

These are priceless! I love that first one.

Clarence said...

Hurray for the playground. I like these very sunny photos. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Robin, she is so cute. I love the eye picture where you can see the color!

World So Wide said...

My favorite is the eye picture as well!

Anonymous said...

The one on the top seems to top the "Favorite List" !!! Fantastic picture !

She is so lovely !! I miss not having a daughter :(

Thanks for stopping by.

SHIELA said...

How sweet.

Happy WW.

Leora said...

Great compositions. I like how you go from her eye, with its circle, to the girl behind the bars, very vertical, to the more traditional girl next to a tree pose.


Lilibeth said...

She is precious. I'm sure your heart just wants to shout. Great pictures.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic pictures!! I love the middle one especially! :-)

kay said...


happy WW!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty thing she is. You can really see the enjoyment on her face. Catching up on my reading over the next couple of days - I've missed your posts.

Unknown said...

Right along with everyone else, that first picture is awesome!

Those pictures are so happy. :)

Janet said...

she really is adorable :-)

Anonymous said...

I love that 2nd one! Great shots!

Pieces of Me said...

Oh man, you got me Robin with that first one. What a grabber. Great shot. So professionally done. they all complement quite nicely with each other.

Kate said...

These are great shots i really love the first one!

happy WW

Shannon said...

Such fun photos! I just love the one of her eye. What a lovely little girl she is!

Shermanim said...

Beautiful pictures!!! I love the second one... what a capture.

Anonymous said...


Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love that last tree-hugging picture!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

That center picture is just fantastic, Robin!

Neen said...

What a sweetie, she is beautiful.

tonya said...

I love the detail in the eye picture. Thanks for stopping by for WW!

myrtle beached whale said...

Beautiful!!!! I am going to miss your Thursday 13.

Anonymous said...

These photos are so beautifully taken! I love the first one. It speaks a thousand words.

Anonymous said...

I love it! That first picture is astounding, and she is so beautiful!

Kris said...
