Friday, August 17, 2007


Itai is growing up, right before my very eyes. My little boy, that tiny creature that I brought home from the hospital just yesterday, had his first sleepover this week. Actually, he had his first two sleepovers this week.

Sunday his friend came to the pool with us after camp and ended up staying late enough that I told his mother he might as well stay over and save her the trip. (He's the son of a dear friend of mine, a GNI friend in fact. They live in a neighboring town, for some reason she couldn't find a second session camp there so he comes to Itai's camp.) That went well, so when I needed somewhere to dump a playdate for Itai for this morning so Jay and I could go to an appointment with Maya she promptly offered to take him from last night.

He ran off, backpack and toothbrush in hand, with nary a backwards glance. My little boy's not so little anymore.

On the other hand, he's quite full of 6.5 year old sass though. When do they grow out of that? (And please don't say 25!)


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I'd rather have sass than this gloomy kid with the perpetual hangdog look 'cause he knows he did something wrong but was hoping I wouldn't call him on it.

Congrats on the sleepover! #1, who turns 7 in ten days or so, is dying to have some now. I ought to set some up...

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I have no perspective on the child-rearing. Not responsible enough for another life! :) Have a great weekend!

-E said...

I think he'll grow out of it at 35 :P

I remember my first few sleepovers, they were such great fun. Hopefully he'll have many fun ones and not so many that end with a tearful phone call begging you to pick him up. Yes, I had a few of those.

And thanks for commenting on my TT list yesterday, I truly appreciate it.

Pieces of Me said...

Wow, the sleepover age has dwindled down. I wasn't allowed to bring friends home until I was nine or ten. Maybe even later, I don't remember. Are sleepovers harder to withstand and yet the same as trying to calm down a crying kid or toddler who misses his daddy? Probably not.

I guess every kid has his/her day, as the old saying goes. But it sure sounds like a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

I have to add babies!! I don't think I can get over my only daughter going to sleepovers.

Jo said...

Wow.....they are growing up so fast our wee boys. I was only thinking about my first sleepover the other day: I stayed up reading ghost stories and then was too scared to close my eyes to actually sleep; you couldn't ask for more fun that that LOL. Jx

Unknown said...

Sleepovers... my girls are eating with a friend now. Just one street away.

I wouldn't be surprised if they come home in a hurry, ask if they can sleep over and run away.

What a nice time for them all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin, I enjoyed this read. It's as if we all have come from the same country of youth and have much in common around a common item: the diary.

I lost my key and had to cut the plastic side to get into my diary. I loved the idea of a key but it was bound to happen. Now I'm forever losing the cap to my USB drive in the same way.

Love your kitchen!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Oh, my daughter has enough '6.5 sass' to go around! Haven't tried a sleepover yet---gosh, I guess that is coming soon!

Jeremy Lowe said...

24.99 :-) Enjoy your son. The sass is there for a while, and like most things it will soon become background noise to life