Friday, October 19, 2007

Flower Power

Maya had her preschool party today. She and her friend M (they celebrate in pairs) sang and danced their way through a slew of Hebrew birthday songs and activities, culminating in the perennial favorite "Where's the Cake?" song, followed obviously by the grand entrance of the cake and then of course the "Foo'ing The Candles" song. (And yes, to "foo" is a verb, didn't you know? Actually, it sort of is in Hebrew. They really do tell children to "say foo".)

Maya had a ball - she was thrilled to have her moment in the sun and was just beaming from ear to ear the whole time, and we beamed right back seeing her participating so beautifully and enjoying herself so much.
(I didn't get any decent pictures today that didn't have a lot of other people's kids in them, so since I don't put other kids' photos on the internet without permission I substituted this one taken by a photographer friend a few weeks ago. It's the same dress, and captures her exuberance today perfectly. If you can't tell, she's actually in mid-air (hence the crazy hair). And no, I don't know yet if I'm having it framed. He took a ton and I haven't made the final selection yet. More on that some other time...)

Happy birthday Miss Mouse, we love you so very much.

She had such a great day (minus one post-party letdown meltdown of atomic proportions, but we'll skip that little anecdote. Bygones.) that this is where she ended up this evening. Note the half-eaten pita on the kitchen floor. (So that you can truly appreciate this, this is only the second time in her entire life that she's fallen asleep mid-stream like this. The first time was about a year ago and we found her inside a laundry basket LOL.)


Fourier Analyst said...

Congratulations Mommy (in dutch tradition, the Mother of the birtday person gets the first congrats!) And Happy Birthday girlie! Great cake, sounds like a fab party, and lots of fun memories were made!

BTW Robin, congrats on your Honerable Mention for Scribbit's contest. Yes, I thought your nutty story was also a bit scary (though my cast of characters was a bit different!)

Pen said...

That is so cute :o) Glad it was such a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

This post was so sweet ;-)

And what a beautiful picture!!!

Janet said...

Happy Birthday to your pretty little girl; I love that picture of her jumping! Brilliant!

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday Maya.

I love the cake!

Gill said...

Wonderful! She partied so hard, she passed out.
Too cute!
Glad she enjoyed her day!!!

Anonymous said...

Another fab cake from mommy! What a lucky birthday girl.

Amanda said...

How absolutely adorable. What a darling photo of your daughter jumping!

Mel said...

I am so glad that Maya had such fun at her school party - it must have been so wonderful for you to watch! I love the pictures - neither of my two have ever fallen asleep mid stream!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute cake! I'm glad she had such a wonderful time. be young again... :)

Anonymous said...

Yom huledet sameach, Maya!

Kim said...

Love that picture of her jumping.

Happy Birthday Princess Maya!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Maya, and hooray for Mommy too! Sounds like great fun was had by all!

Eimi said...

She is super cute in that pic! And from the hebrew I can read, I was pretty close. Without vowels, I guess mo-ah...

Robin said...

You were close Amy, it's "Maya" :-). Same as her name in English. (Here in Israel the concept of "hebrew names" is sort of moot LOL.)