I've mentioned before that when I have things to donate I like to give them to my cleaner for the foreign workers. They are a community enduring hardship, extended separations from their families (many for years at a time), police harassment and low wages - all for the privilege of working hard at the jobs most Israelis are unwilling to perform themselves. When my cleaner comes I try to put together a bag for him - clothes, books and magazines in English, toys for the children in their community daycare center, whatever I can.
Today's bag includes some of Maya's outgrown clothes, two outgrown bicycle helmets, a bunch of magazines, and - most exciting of all - a nearly full package of diapers and 3 packages of pullups!!! Do you realize what this means?!? We are now officially a diaper-free family!
At nearly 4 years old Maya's been completely dry during the day for a year, but she clung to those nighttime diapers with the iron claws of death. No way no how was anyone taking away her nighttime diaper. And pullups? Forgetaboutit. No chance. The child has never in her life been willing to even try wearing a pullup. (Makes me wonder why on earth those three packages of Minnie Mouse pullups we inherited from a friend were still in the closet after all this time though. Packrat thy name is Robin.) For a child like Maya who has trouble with shifts and loss of control, routines and habits are very important. There was no way we could have just stopped the diapers and told her to stay dry until SHE was good and ready. Besides, she was still drinking a fair amount of milk before bed and waking up sopping. What was the point. For a few months now we've been telling her again and again that soon she'd be ready to give up the diapers and wear underwear to bed like a big girl. We carefully emphasized that this would be when she was ready, we were willing to wait it out. (And why not, in the grand scheme of things it really was no big deal, we knew she'd do it when she was ready.) In the meantime I was sneakily gradually cutting back on her fluids to take care of that aspect of things.
Erev Yom Kippur she was getting ready for bed and announced that she wanted to sleep in underwear. So she did, and she's been dry ever since.
And just to top it all off last night, for the first time ever, she didn't ask for milk. I think she forgot, but hey, that's progress. I'll take it. So what if it then took her two hours to actually fall asleep.
My little girl is growing up. *sniff*

Speaking of growing up, she is really too big for this tricycle. We need to get her a bike but I hate to give up that handy push-pole for when she's too tired to pedal. Oh, and check out her helmet. Maya LOVES that helmet. She's so used to wearing it when her dad takes her to school on the back of his bike and to seeing both Jay and Itai wearing theirs that she'd never dream of getting on her trike without it.
...classic mom-blogger ...
"Yup, I'm talking about diapers."
LOL, I thought this was going to be an announcement of a baby on the way!
Congratulation's to Maya!! YEA!!
The classic part...kids will give up thumbs, binki's and diapers when they are ready, not when we as parents are.
Nope, not that. My birth control pills are safe and sound in my medicine cabinet. No surprises around here. We're done. Absolutely. Positively. Probably. Maybe.
I felt a little twinge when my youngest was 'officially' potty trained too. I got over it when I realized the only bum I would have to consistently take care of is my own!
WTG Maya; I hear you on the sniff.......and done, I thought you wanted three?????
I said we *might* go for three. Some days I'm sure we will, other days I'm equally sure we won't. Jay and I are completely out of sync on it too - we both seem to flip-flop in opposite directions. Seems it's safer that way LOL.
I am all for letting kids decide when they are ready. We had bottle and pacifier issues that got worked out when the child was ready but not forced.
You know, my oldest was SIX before she gave up the nighttime pull-ups. SIX! That girl has got a bladder the size of a walnut. She just had to come to the realization, on her own, that she could make it through the night, dry.
Yay!!! Congrats, Robin!
As for the bike, you'd be surprised how easy it is to grab a set of handle bars and pull. Even for me with the bad back/hips.
Hello Robin, I so enjoy coming here to visit and read your posts. My step-son is twenty five... but my godchildren are just at this age, and I so enjoy watching them make the change from toddler to knowing exactly what they want. I also make sure I have a good listening ear for their moms, as these changes go up and down, I think you know what I mean!
She's a doll!
I so wish my second was out of diapers. Someday soon.
what a cutie she is..way to go girl!
I have no motherly perspective to offer unfortunately. But hooray for Maya! :)
Wow, I'm about a year (at least!) away from that milestone. Congratulations!!
congrats! some days i think we'll never be out of diapers...but then i remember that i chose this life:-) and i try to enjoy it! the helmet is adorable too!
Yasher Koach, Maya!
I have just stumbled across your blog and I think I have found my twin!
I am insanely addicted to coffee, which is what drew me to your blog, I have the same fruit bowl, oven and, I cannot believe this, mixer in the same colour which I named Maya because that is what I wanted to call my daughter but was voted out!
I am insanely jealous of you being diaper free....
That's fantastic that Maya was so determined on her own about no more diapers! And oh, she looks so grown-up and so beautiful in that picture.
And she's beautiful!
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