Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Tooth Fairy Tip

When my son was about to lose his first tooth, I had what I have to say myself was a stroke of brilliance. Such a stellar idea in fact that I want to share it with all of you. What, you ask, was this extraordinary revelation? Simple, it was this:

I sat my son down, before he'd ever lost a tooth, and explained to him that the tooth fairy brings whatever she wants. It is her decision. Sometimes she might bring money, sometimes a small gift, you just never know. The only thing that's certain is that whatever she brings will be small "because teeth are small".

Have you caught on? Are you dazzled by my brilliance yet?

The tooth fairy brings whatever she wants. That means that if you she happens to get caught without the proper change in her wallet, rather than panicking and having to rush out to the convenience store at midnight she can substitute whatever small trinket she has lying around - stickers, a pack of temporary tattoos, a superball, some other amount of money...

Clever, huh? I sure thought so.

Now if the tooth fairy could just be a wee bit more consistent about remembering to actually put her "something" under the darn pillow at night, rather than having to distract the child in the morning just as he's about to check under his pillow so that she can quickly grab the tooth and shove something under there before he catches on...

Check out Rocks In My Dryer for more strokes of momgenuity.


Nancy said...

Brilliant ... and the same should go for the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

Anonymous said...

My daughters taught Boo to say
'Oh Man! The toothfairy forgot again'

Hmmm, they taught him that BEFORE he lost his first tooth. Were they setting him up for disappointment or knew their mother far too well?

He doesn't care for the toothfairy anyway. He only accepts (or cuts up with sissors as was the case today) paper money and our notes start at 5 dollars!

LaLa said...

Great idea!! My friend's son lost his third tooth in one week and all she had was a ten dollar that is what he got..she told him (as he danced around the room) that the TF only does that if you lose 3 teeth in one week..ha ha

Anonymous said...

My oldest just lost a tooth last week, and she had the audacity to leave a note requesting a pretty dress with matching earrings! So the tooth fairy left a dollar and a reply saying she needs to talk with Santa instead ;-)

josie2shoes said...

WE have a VERY clever Tooth Fairy here, I loved this! :-)

Cynthia said...

Cute, we aren't losing teeth yet...I am sure we will be soon enough!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Yep, we've left fun things, too. I actually ran out to the comic book store late one evening to get some Yu-Gi-Oh cards!

It's way more fun than straight cash.

Anonymous said...

I AM dazzled by your brilliance!! I'm going to do this when my oldest loses his first tooth.

Robin said...

These stories are cracking me up - a dress and matching earrings?

Keep 'em coming LOL.

Pen said...

What an adorable story. I can't wait to do things like this with my sons. This post gave me the warm fuzzies :o)

Anonymous said...

That is clever! And I do marvel at the brilliance! :)

Anonymous said...

That is a very brillant idea Robin.
Josh is about to lose another tooth, and my neice told him she gets $5 a tooth, which we can't afford, but how cool to place other things besides money. He'd love some baseball cards.

Thanks for sharing.

Phyllis Sommer said...

great idea. my son has yet to lose a tooth but i'm keeping track (someone else had a tooth fairy idea today too) of these great ideas for when we get there, which i know must be coming soon...although we are a bit dentally retarded in our family so who knows...

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Very good idea. I wonder, do you ever run into trouble when the kids compare notes with other kids? For instance, we give $2 a tooth, but some kids have said they get $5 a tooth (!) or $2 AND a toy. . .we've had some pretty interesting discussions because of this.

Robin said...

We sure did. Israelis don't know about the tooth fairy and some little brat told Itai there was no such thing and that it had to be his parents! Itai has since decided that he doesn't believe - until he loses a tooth and then suddenly he's a believer again LOL.

J. Lynne said...

I'm thinking my Tooth Fairy was a cheapskate.

What cute stories. :)

Jen said...

A lost his first tooth today at school. Finally. And, for some ungodly reason, he seems to think the Tooth Fairy is going to bring him an XBox 360. I don't know where the hell he picked that up, but if he expects that in the morning, he's in for quite a bit of disappointment. I told him the tooth fairy is small and can only carry small things. And I still don't know what the TF is going to leave him. Oh, she'll put a glitter kiss on his cheek, I know that much. ; )
And the candy fairy is making an appearance tonight too. :)