Thursday, October 18, 2007

TT #34 - 13 Beautiful Sights

No header graphic this week, Blogger's blown a gasket...

1. Love shining in someone special's eye

2. My children

3. Green mountains

4. Sunset over the ocean

5. A steaming plate of pasta in cream sauce

6. Gourmet chocolate

7. Jerusalem at dusk - they don't call it Jerusalem of Gold for nothing

8. A newborn baby

9. Michaelangelo's David (which I am going to see in just 3 weeks!)

10. An audience that has been completely captivated by music

11. New England in the fall

12. The sumptiously rich clothing seen in Renaissance portraits

13. Waterfalls

What would make your list?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Tink said...

Great sights indeed! I love to watch my cats. Playing or even asleep!
My TT is a slideshow of 13 pictures of fungi I made last weekend.

Yuriko said...

Mmmmm pasta... that sounds good right now.

Memarie Lane said...

There is something for you on my blog. :D

Anonymous said...

The way I feel right this moment, #5 really sounds wonderful!

Sandee said...

I love #5. I love it a lot. It's my favorite dish. Have a great TT. :)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

My kids, sleeping.

I'm with you on all the rest. Although I've yet to see Jerusalem at sunset, I love sunsets.

Happy TT, darling!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely sights indeed. Old historic beautiful buildings like cathedrals, palaces etc. would make my list...

Pen said...

Oh yes... very nice. Lucky you to get to see the David! I do hope you will be blogging about the experience :o)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sights indeed! :)

Mine is up here;
Thursday Thirteen!
Happy TT!

jenn said...

The numbers on the scale going down.
Happy TT!

Lori said...

What a great made me smile:) Happy TT.

Gill said...

You'll be pleased to hear both my kids were breastfed! Yeah baby! It's the only way to go. What a bond, wow.
Anyhoo, your list rocks.
I loved number eight.
But number nine intrigues me too, would love to hear all about that when the time comes, okay?

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Wow, you SO nailed this list. Couldn't agre more!

L^2 said...

Yes, these all sound like beautiful sights. I hope I am able to see all of these things someday. Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Children Playing

Addicted to crafting said...

I love to watch cats, my friends's eyes... babies, kids playing, autums,

Love your TT!!! Mine's up , visit me!

Eimi said...

#1 made me smile. Happy TT!

Karen said...

All beautiful sights -- but especially my kids. I never get tired of looking at them or hugging them. The other thing that always amazes me is the beauty of nature. Some things can just take your breath away.
Great TT!!

Anonymous said...

Great list of views. I've only seen #7 on televison adn #2 is my godchildren rather than my own, but beautiful all the same.

I'd add:

Sunlight through lush foliage,

The smile and laugh of happy babies,

Sleek concept cars, (what can I say, I'm eclectic)

A storm over water after everyone is safe and sound.


Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

Great list. You know we were at the Louvre once and our friend was looking for something so we're following him all through the museum and he just kept saying "you'll see" finally we demanded to know what he was looking for - it was THEN that it dawned on him that David was NOT in the louvre. We could have killed him!

Jo said...

I want to see Jerusalem at any time of day or night. One day I'll come see you.

A cool list.

Anonymous said...

My greatest sights (besides a 'shoe sale' sign and 'free coffee') are my Boo FINALLY asleep and CLEAN WALLS. I am sure you understand the beauty of the latter in my household!

I finally got around to passing on the award you gave me (thanks sweetie!!) and have tagged you for a meme *gaffaw*

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of David and waterfalls...oh, and most things on that list.

Amy The Black said...

Ahhh pasta with cream sauce . . . But I'm with you on the Renaissance clothing, I'm always in awe of painters who can capture the fabric.

J. Lynne said...

I'll see you're Fall in New England and raise you Unconditional Pug Love Eyes. ;)

BTW, I have some pictures of Fall in New England I took on Sunday posted on my blog, if you check back a few days.

Believer in Balance said...

Great list! I agree! I would add the ocean.

Joyismygoal said...

all those

Ann Aguirre said...

What a lovely list. Seeing Michaelangelo's David in person is truly something to anticipate!

Coco said...

Oooh... those are such wonderful sighs... well the ones I've seen, that is: #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13... hope to get to see the others one day :)

Denise Patrick said...

Sunrises and Sunsets. Never two alike and always beautiful.

Thanks for visiting my TT!

Janet said...

sand dollars on the beach
the ocean
Wolf :-)

Anonymous said...

Those are great sights. I love pasta in cream sauce. New born babys; nothing like them. Some of your sights, I haven't seen, but the most of the ones I have, can take your breath away.

Head Gaggler said...

Great list. I love watching my children play with one another.

Cindy Swanson said...

I would definitely agree with you on "my children"--and also my adorable, beautiful, precious little grandson! He is truly a sight for sore eyes.

Great list. :)

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous list. I have such a thing for babies. If I had my way, I would just keep having one after another. As it is we've stopped at 3, but I just love being around the newborns of friends and family. They seem to have a light all of their own. Beautiful!
My TT is up here is you fancy popping over for a read.

pussreboots said...

I don't know -- newborns always look pretty funny to me. Now week old babies are cute.

Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

Seeing an older couple walking, holding hands.

Those are all some very beautiful sights! Sunsets at the beach and my children sleeping are my favorites.

Robin, I'm so excited for you going on your adult only trip!! :)

Happy Thursday!

MsSnarkyPants said...

Those are all lovely! And now I want alfredo dang it! I'd have to add sunset over my mountains to my list. Oh and when they are misty, and in fall! Heck any old time! :-D

Cynthia said...

#1,2,6,8, and all the rest...Great list!

Anonymous said...

My bed at the end of a long day! :)

Anonymous said...

Wildflowers ... green fields ... flying or driving in to Las Vegas at night ... so many more

Thanks for stopping by my 13 suspensions list this week.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Sorry to post this here, but wanted to let you know that you were one of two brave souls who agreed to 'Pay it Forward'---I have no idea what I'm making for you guys, and it could take some time to figure that out, but once I have decided, I'll ask you for your address, ok?

Robin said...

Sounds good to me - that will give me plenty of time to figure out what on earth I can then make - my crafty skill (decorated cakes) doesn't travel all that well LOL.

I'm looking forward to playing. This will be fun.